首页> 外文期刊>Reproduction in Domestic Animals >Biometrics, Testosterone, Cortisol and Antler Growth Cycle in Iberian Red Deer Stags (Cervus elaphus hispanicus)

Biometrics, Testosterone, Cortisol and Antler Growth Cycle in Iberian Red Deer Stags (Cervus elaphus hispanicus)


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In this article, we aimed to describe the changes related to mating season in red deer, especially those related to antler growth, body condition score, testosterone and cortisol. Antler growth was studied in 17 Iberian red deer males, including body weight, antler length, biometric measures and testosterone and cortisol determination during 15 months. Body weight, body condition score, thoracic perimeter (TP), neck perimeter (NL) and testicular diameter (TD) showed the highest values immediately before mating season (autumn), decreased during it and remained constant at winter. Antler growth lasted 158 days and produced antlers with a final length of 80.8 pl 2.0 cm. Testosterone and cortisol showed seasonal changes with maximum values at September and May, respectively. Final antler size was related positively to cranial longitude, TP, NL, TD and body weight at casting time. No relationship between weight loss during precedent mating season and current antler size was found, but spring recovery weight was positively related to final antler size. Final length was related to the descent in testosterone values during previous mating season and to body weight before it. Spring recovery weight was related to relative weight loss during previous mating season. These results suggest that there is no relationship between the reproductive effort performed during one season and the next year size of the antler. In contrast, antler size was positively related to spring recovery weight, in the sense that those deer that recover a higher percentage of body weight at the early stages of antler growth develop higher antlers.
机译:在本文中,我们旨在描述与马鹿交配季节有关的变化,尤其是与鹿角生长,身体状况评分,睾丸激素和皮质醇有关的变化。在15个月的时间里,对17名伊比利亚马鹿雄鹿的生长进行了研究,包括体重,鹿角长度,生物特征测定以及睾丸激素和皮质醇的测定。体重,身体状况评分,胸围(TP),颈围(NL)和睾丸直径(TD)在交配季节(秋季)之前显示最高值,在此期间下降并在冬季保持恒定。鹿茸生长持续158天,并产生了最终长度为80.8pl 2.0cm的鹿角。睾丸激素和皮质醇显示季节性变化,分别在9月和5月达到最大值。最终鹿角大小与铸造时颅经度,TP,NL,TD和体重呈正相关。先前交配季节的体重减轻与当前的鹿角大小之间没有关系,但春季恢复体重与最终的鹿角大小呈正相关。最终长度与上一个交配季节的睾丸激素值下降及其之前的体重有关。春季恢复体重与先前交配季节的相对体重减轻有关。这些结果表明,在一个季节中进行的生殖工作与第二年的鹿角大小没有关系。相反,鹿角大小与春季恢复重量呈正相关,在某种意义上说,在鹿角生长的早期阶段恢复较高体重百分比的鹿会产生更高的鹿角。



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