首页> 外文期刊>Lithos: An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry >A mantle origin for Paleoarchean peridotitic diamonds from the Panda kimberlite, Slave Craton: Evidence from ~(13)C-, ~(15)N- and ~(33,34)S-stable isotope systematics

A mantle origin for Paleoarchean peridotitic diamonds from the Panda kimberlite, Slave Craton: Evidence from ~(13)C-, ~(15)N- and ~(33,34)S-stable isotope systematics


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In order to address diamond formation and origin in the lithospheric mantle underlying the Central Slave Craton, we report N- and C-stable isotopic compositions and N-contents and aggregation states for 85 diamonds of known paragenesis (73 peridotitic, 8 eclogitic and 4 from lower mantle) from the Panda kimberlite (Ekati Mine, Lac de Gras Area, Canada). For 12 peridotitic and two eclogitic sulfide inclusion-bearing diamonds from this sample set, we also report multiple-sulfur isotope ratios. The 73 peridotitic diamonds have a mean δ~(13)C-value of - 5.2‰ and range from - 6.9 to - 3.0‰, with one extreme value at -14.1‰. The associated δ~(15)N-values range from -17.0 to + 8.5‰ with a mean value of -4.0‰. N-contents range from 0 to 1280 ppm. The 8 eclogitic diamonds have δ~(13)C-values ranging from -11.2 to -4.4‰ with one extreme value at -19.4‰. Their δ~(15)N ranges from -2.1 to + 7.9‰ and N-contents fall between 0 and 3452 ppm. Four diamonds with an inferred lower mantle origin are all Type II (i.e. nitrogen-free) and have a narrow range of δ~(13)C values, between - 4.5 and - 3.5‰. The δ~(34)S of the 14 analyzed peridotitic and eclogitic sulfide inclusions ranges from -3.5 to +5.7‰. None of them provide evidence for anomalous δ~(33)S-values; observed variations in δ~(33)S are from +0.19 to - 0.33‰, i.e. within the 2 sigma uncertainties of mantle sulfur (δ~(33)S = 0‰). At Panda, the N contents and the δ~(13)C of sulfide-bearing peridotitic diamonds show narrower ranges than silicate-bearing peridotitic diamonds. This evidence supports the earlier suggestion established from eclogitic diamonds from the Kaapvaal that sulfide-(±silicate) bearing diamonds sample a more restricted portion of sublithospheric mantle than silicate-(no sulfide) bearing diamonds. Our findings at Panda suggest that sulfide-bearing diamonds should be considered as a specific diamond population on a global-scale. Based on our study of δ~(34)S, Δ~(33)S, δ~(15)N and δ~(13)C, we find no evidence for subduction-related isotopic signatures in the mantle sampled by Panda diamonds.
机译:为了解决中央奴隶克拉通下方岩石圈地幔中钻石的形成和起源问题,我们报告了85种已知共生钻石的N和C稳定同位素组成以及N含量和聚集态(73橄榄岩,8露辉岩和4下地幔)来自熊猫金伯利岩(加拿大Lac de Gras地区的Ekati矿)。对于该样品集中的12个含橄榄石和2个含硫化钨包裹体的钻石,我们还报告了多硫同位素比。 73颗橄榄岩钻石的平均δ〜(13)C值为-5.2‰,范围为-6.9至-3.0‰,其中一个极值为-14.1‰。相关的δ〜(15)N值范围是-17.0至+ 8.5‰,平均值为-4.0‰。 N含量范围为0至1280 ppm。八颗菱形钻石的δ〜(13)C值在-11.2至-4.4‰之间,其中一个极值在-19.4‰。它们的δ〜(15)N在-2.1到+ 7.9‰之间,N含量在0和3452 ppm之间。推断下地幔起源的四颗钻石均为II型(即无氮),且δ〜(13)C值的范围很窄,在-4.5至-3.5‰之间。所分析的14种橄榄岩和辉绿岩包裹体的δ〜(34)S范围为-3.5至+ 5.7‰。它们都没有提供有关δ〜(33)S值异常的证据。观测到的δ〜(33)S的变化范围为+0.19至-0.33‰,即在地幔硫的2σ不确定度之内(δ〜(33)S = 0‰)。在熊猫,含硫化物的橄榄岩金刚石的N含量和δ〜(13)C的范围比含硅酸盐的橄榄岩金刚石的范围窄。这一证据支持了由Kaapvaal的块状钻石提出的较早的建议,即含硫化物(±硅酸盐)的钻石比含硅酸盐(无硫化物)的钻石采样的岩圈下地幔的限制更为严格。我们在熊猫公司的研究结果表明,应将含硫化物的钻石视为全球范围内的特定钻石种群。根据我们对δ〜(34)S,Δ〜(33)S,δ〜(15)N和δ〜(13)C的研究,我们没有发现熊猫钻石采样地幔中与俯冲有关的同位素特征的证据。 。



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