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Identifying technology trends for R and D planning using TRIZ and text mining


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The current pace of technological development has forced many companies to invest significant capital and resources in research and development (R&D) activities. A systematic and efficient method of identifying technology trends and their evolutionary potentials can help companies guide their R&D planning and wisely allocate their R&D resources. This study proposes a framework combining the evolutionary trends developed by the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, or Teoriya Reshniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch (TRIZ) in Russian, with the visualization technique of text mining to systematically identify technology trends from patent documents. As technological information in patent documents is stored almost entirely in text format, the text mining method allows R&D personnel to efficiently identify technology trends and effectively conduct R&D planning. Utilizing text mining method on patents of magnetic random access memory (MRAM) systems and the underlying principles of TRIZ evolutionary trends, this study shows that MRAM includes 10 important technology trends. These trends have almost reached the evolutionary limit phase defined by TRIZ, which means that MRAM is fast becoming a mature technology. Therefore, for businesses that intend to acquire MRAM technology they do not possess, a wise R&D plan may be licensing the technology, buying the technology from others, or participating in a joint venture rather than using in-house R&D.
机译:当前的技术发展步伐迫使许多公司在研发活动中投入大量资本和资源。一种系统,有效的识别技术趋势及其发展潜力的方法,可以帮助公司指导研发计划并明智地分配研发资源。这项研究提出了一个框架,该框架结合了由发明问题解决理论或俄语中的Teoriya Reshniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch(TRIZ)开发的演化趋势,以及文本挖掘的可视化技术,可以从专利文献中系统地识别技术趋势。由于专利文件中的技术信息几乎全部以文本格式存储,因此文本挖掘方法使研发人员能够有效地识别技术趋势并有效地进行研发计划。本研究利用磁随机存取存储器(MRAM)系统专利的文本挖掘方法以及TRIZ演进趋势的基本原理,表明MRAM包括10个重要的技术趋势。这些趋势几乎已经达到了TRIZ定义的发展极限阶段,这意味着MRAM正在迅速成为一种成熟的技术。因此,对于打算购买自己不拥有的MRAM技术的企业而言,明智的研发计划可能是对该技术进行许可,从他人那里购买该技术或参与合资企业,而不是使用内部研发。



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