首页> 外文期刊>Research in developmental disabilities >Concurrent medical conditions and health care use and needs among children with learning and behavioral developmental disabilities, National Health Interview Survey, 2006-2010

Concurrent medical conditions and health care use and needs among children with learning and behavioral developmental disabilities, National Health Interview Survey, 2006-2010


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Studies document various associated health risks for children with developmental disabilities (DDs). Further study is needed by disability type. Using the 2006-2010 National Health Interview Surveys, we assessed the prevalence of numerous medical conditions (e.g. asthma, frequent diarrhea/colitis, seizures), health care use measures (e.g. seeing a medical specialist and >9 office visits in past year), health impact measures (e.g. needing help with personal care), and selected indicators of unmet health needs (e.g. unable to afford needed prescription medications) among a nationally representative sample of children ages 3-17 years, with and without DDs. Children in four mutually exclusive developmental disability groups: autism (N= 375), intellectual disability (ID) without autism (N= 238); attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) without autism or ID (N 2901); and learning disability (LD) or other developmental delay without ADHD, autism, or ID (N= 1955); were compared to children without DDs (N= 35,775) on each condition or health care measure of interest. Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) were calculated from weighted logistic regression models that accounted for the complex sample design. Prevalence estimates for most medical conditions examined were moderately to markedly higher for children in all four DD groups than children without DDs. Most differences were statistically significant after adjustment for child sex, age, race/ethnicity, and maternal education. Children in all DD groups also had significantly higher estimates for health care use, impact, and unmet needs measures than children without DDs. This study provides empirical evidence that children with DDs require increased pediatric and specialist services, both for their core functional deficits and concurrent medical conditions.
机译:研究记录了发育障碍儿童的各种相关健康风险。残疾类型需要进一步研究。通过2006-2010年全国健康访问调查,我们评估了多种医疗状况(例如哮喘,频繁腹泻/结肠炎,癫痫发作),医疗保健使用措施(例如,在去年看医生和上门拜访9次)的患病率,健康影响措施(例如在个人护理方面需要帮助),以及在全国范围内有和没有DD的3-17岁儿童样本中未满足的健康需求(例如无法负担所需的处方药)的选定指标。四个相互排斥的发育障碍儿童:自闭症(N = 375),无自闭症的智障(ID)(N = 238);没有自闭症或ID的注意力缺陷/多动障碍(ADHD)(N 2901);没有ADHD,自闭症或ID的学习障碍(LD)或其他发育迟缓(N = 1955);在每种情况或所关注的医疗保健措施下,均与无DD的儿童(N = 35,775)进行比较。从占复杂样本设计的加权逻辑回归模型计算出校正后的优势比(aOR)。在所有四个DD组中,检查的大多数医疗状况的患病率估计值均显着高于没有DD的儿童。在对儿童性别,年龄,种族/民族和孕产妇教育进行调整后,大多数差异在统计学上具有统计学意义。与没有DD的孩子相比,所有DD组的孩子在医疗保健使用,影响和未满足需求方面的估计也要高得多。这项研究提供的经验证据表明,DDs的儿童因其核心功能缺陷和并发医疗状况而需要增加儿科和专科服务。



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