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The validity of the social communication questionnaire in adults with intellectual disability


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This study assessed the validity of the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) in a sample of 69 adults, aged 18-40 years old. Participants included 21 adults diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID), and 48 individuals diagnosed with ID and no diagnosis of an ASD. The SCQ yielded a sensitivity of.71 and a specificity of.77 at the authors' recommended cutoff score of 15 (Berument et al., 1999). However, when sensitivity was prioritized over specificity, the optimal cutoff score was 12, which yielded a sensitivity of.86 and a specificity of.60. The internal consistencies of the total scale (α =.87), the social interaction subscale (α =.83), and the restricted repetitive behavior subscale (α =.81) were good, but the communication subscale performed poorly (α =.48). The SCQ shows promise as a screening measure for adults with ID whose early developmental history may be unavailable. A lower cutoff score than the authors originally proposed is recommended in adults.
机译:这项研究评估了69例年龄在18-40岁之间的成年人的社会沟通问卷(SCQ)的有效性。参与者包括21位被诊断患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)和智力障碍(ID)的成年人,以及48位被诊断具有ID且未诊断出ASD的个体。作者建议的截止分数为15时,SCQ的灵敏度为71,特异性为77(Berument等,1999)。但是,当敏感性优先于特异性时,最佳截断分数为12,其灵敏度为0.8,特异性为60。总体量表(α= .87),社交互动子量表(α= .83)和限制性重复行为子量表(α= .81)的内部一致性良好,但沟通子量表的表现不佳(α=。 48)。 SCQ对有ID的成年人(其早期发育史可能不可用)进行筛查时,显示出希望。在成人中,建议的截止分数低于作者最初提出的分数。



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