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Rangeland Ecosystem Goods and Services: Values and Evaluation of Opportunities for Ranchers and Land Managers


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Although the US Department of Agriculture's 2005 public commitment to use market-based incentives for environmental stewardship and cooperative conservation focused land managers' attention on the concept of ecosystem goods and services (EGS), this was not a new idea. Much earlier in the 20th century, Aldo Leopold embraced the value of open space, calling for preservation of New Mexico's Gila Wilderness Area and later urging Americans to espouse a "land ethic" that recognized the unique contributionsof wildlands and agricultural landscapes to the American ethos. Theodore Roosevelt preserved millions of acres of the American West as national forests and monuments, to provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people with these reserves asa constant source of valuable production commodities—in today's jargon, ecosystem goods and services.
机译:尽管美国农业部2005年公开承诺使用基于市场的奖励措施进行环境管理和合作保护,使土地管理者将注意力集中在生态系统商品和服务(EGS)的概念上,但这并不是一个新主意。 20世纪初,奥尔多·利奥波德(Aldo Leopold)拥抱开放空间的价值,呼吁保护新墨西哥州的吉拉荒野地区,后来敦促美国人拥护一种“土地伦理”,承认荒野和农业景观对美国精神的独特贡献。西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)保留了数百万英亩的美国西部森林,作为国家森林和古迹,以这些储备作为当今有价值的生产商品的持续来源,从而为大多数人提供了最大的利益,即当今的术语,生态系统商品和服务。



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