首页> 外文期刊>Liver transplantation: official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society >Treatment with sildenafil and treprostinil allows successful liver transplantation of patients with moderate to severe portopulmonary hypertension

Treatment with sildenafil and treprostinil allows successful liver transplantation of patients with moderate to severe portopulmonary hypertension


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Portopulmonary hypertension (PoPH) refers to pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with portal hypertension with or without evidence of an underlying liver disease. Despite the potential for curing PoPH with liver transplantation, the presence of moderate or severe PoPH is associated with increased morbidity and mortality and is, therefore, a contraindication to transplantation. Previous studies have predominantly used intravenous epoprostenol for treatment in order to qualify patients for liver transplantation. In this retrospective case series, we describe the clinical course of 11 patients whom we successfully treated (predominantly with oral sildenafil and subcutaneous treprostinil) in order to qualify them for liver transplantation. The mean pulmonary artery pressure significantly improved from 44 to 32.9 mm Hg, and the pulmonary vascular resistance decreased from 431 to 173 dyn second cm ~(-5). There were significant improvements in the cardiac output and the transpulmonary gradient with these therapies as well. All 11 patients subsequently received liver transplants with a 0% mortality rate to date; the duration of follow-up ranged from 7 to 60 months. After transplantation, 7 of the 11 patients (64%) were off all pulmonary vasodilators, and only 2 patients required transiently increased doses of prostacyclins. In conclusion, an aggressive approach to the treatment of PoPH with sildenafil and/or treprostinil and subsequent liver transplantation may be curative for PoPH in some patients.
机译:肺动脉高压(PoPH)是指与门静脉高压相关的肺动脉高压,有或没有潜在的肝病迹象。尽管有可能通过肝移植治愈PoPH,但中度或重度PoPH的存在会增加发病率和死亡率,因此是移植的禁忌症。先前的研究主要使用静脉依泊汀进行治疗,以使患者有资格进行肝移植。在这个回顾性病例系列中,我们描述了11名我们成功治疗(主要是口服西地那非和皮下曲前列环素)以使其有资格进行肝移植的患者的临床过程。平均肺动脉压从44毫米汞柱显着提高到32.9毫米汞柱,肺血管阻力从431 dyn·cm下降到173 dcm〜(-5)。这些疗法在心输出量和经肺梯度方面也有显着改善。所有11例患者随后接受了肝移植,迄今为止死亡率为0%;随访时间为7至60个月。移植后,这11例患者中有7例(64%)没有使用所有肺血管扩张药,只有2例患者需要短暂增加前列环素的剂量。总之,在某些患者中积极采用西地那非和/或曲前列环素治疗PoPH的方法以及随后的肝移植可以治愈PoPH。


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