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Role of silvipastoral system in increasing productivity of small ruminants.


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Long term studies on growth performance of small ruminant under grazing condition on silvipastoral system revealed average growth rate of kids and lambs to be 75.4 and 69.2 g/head/day, respectively. Growth rate of lambs and kids, on the basis of 478 days grazing, was 33% and 39% higher in silvipasture over natural grasslands. The wool production from sheep was slightly higher in silvipasture than natural grassland. The small ruminants could maintain their body weight on silvipastoral system throughout the year without supplementation of concentrates while animals grazing on natural grassland required supplementation at the rate of 1.0 kg/head/day green leaves of tree or concentrates during dry periods (winter and summer season). The milk yield of ewes grazing on three, two and single tier of silvipasture and natural grassland showed increase in milk yield by 63.8, 28.1 and 8.8%, respectively over natural grassland. Thus, silvipasture system is better than natural grassland for higher growth rate, milk yield, wool production and maintenance of small ruminants.
机译:对小反刍动物在放牧条件下对象鼻动物系统生长性能的长期研究表明,儿童和羔羊的平均生长速度分别为75.4和69.2 g /头/天。在放牧478天的基础上,牧羊草的羔羊和儿童的生长速度比天然草原分别高33%和39%。牧羊场的绵羊羊毛产量略高于天然草原。小型反刍动物可以全年维持其腹足系统体重,而无需补充浓缩物,而在天然草原上放牧的动物则需要在干旱时期(冬季和夏季)以1.0千克/头/天的绿叶或浓缩物的比例补充营养)。在三层,两层和单层的牧草场和天然草地上放牧的母羊的产奶量分别比天然草地高63.8%,28.1%和8.8%。因此,对于更高的生长速度,产奶量,羊毛产量以及维持小反刍动物而言,营林系统比天然草地更好。



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