首页> 外文期刊>Rangeland Ecology & Management >'The Range Problem' after a century of rangeland science: new research themes for altered landscapes. (Special Issue: Big questions emerging from a century of rangeland science and management.)

'The Range Problem' after a century of rangeland science: new research themes for altered landscapes. (Special Issue: Big questions emerging from a century of rangeland science and management.)

机译:一个世纪的牧场科学之后的“山脉问题”:改变景观的新研究主题。 (特刊:一个世纪的牧场科学和管理中出现的大问题。)

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The rangeland science profession in the United States has its roots in the widespread overgrazing and concurrent severe droughts of the late 19th century. These drivers contributed to rangeland resource degradation especially in the American Southwest - what E. O. Wooton (1908) called the "Range Problem." Although logical for the time, the scientific activities and resulting policies that arose out of this catastrophe were based on reductionist experimentation and productionist emphases on food and fiber. After a century of science and policy, there are two additional perspectives that shape our vision for the emphases of the future. First, rangeland landscapes are extremely heterogeneous; general principles derived from scientific experimentation cannot be easily or generally applied without adjusting to the distinct societal and ecological characteristics of a location. Second, rangeland management occurs at spatial scales considerably larger than those that have typically been addressed in range science. Scaling up science results is not a simple, additive process. The leading features of the emerging science are (1) research at landscape scales and (2) over longer time spans that (3) approaches conservation and management practices as treatments requiring scientific evaluation, (4) incorporates local knowledge, (5) is explicitly applied in nature, and (6) is transparent in its practice. We strongly argue for a science that supports resource management by testing hypotheses relevant to actual conservation practices and iteratively applying its findings in partnership with managers in an ongoing, adaptive fashion.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.2111/REM-D-11-00113.1
机译:美国的牧场科学专业起源于19世纪后期广泛的过度放牧和严重的干旱。这些驱动因素导致牧场资源退化,尤其是在美国西南部地区-E. O. Wooton(1908)称之为“范围问题”。尽管在当时是合乎逻辑的,但这场灾难引起的科学活动和由此产生的政策是基于对食物和纤维的还原主义实验和生产主义者的重视。经过一个世纪的科学和政策,还有另外两种观点塑造了我们对未来重点的愿景。首先,牧场景观极为不同。如果不适应某个地点独特的社会和生态特征,那么从科学实验中得出的一般原理就无法轻易或普遍地应用。其次,牧场管理发生在空间尺度上,远大于在距离科学中通常提到的尺度。扩大科学成果并不是一个简单的累加过程。新兴科学的主要特征是:(1)在景观尺度上进行研究;(2)在较长的时间跨度内进行研究;(3)在需要科学评估的治疗方法中采取保护和管理措施;(4)结合当地知识;(5)明确(6)在实践中是透明的。我们强烈主张通过支持与自然保护实践相关的假设测试并与管理者合作以持续,自适应的方式反复应用其发现的支持科学的资源管理。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.2111/REM -D-11-00113.1



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