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Elk,Mule Deer, and Cattle Foraging Relationships on Foothill and Mountain Rangeland


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Foraging niche overlap among Rocky Mountain elk Cervus elaphus nelsoni; Rocky Mountain mule deer Odocoileus hemionus hemionus; and cattle Bos taurus was studied for 2 years on 37 000 ha of nonforested foothill and mountain habitat in northwestern Wyoming; Microhistological analysis was used to quantify botanical composition of ungulate diets from monthly fecal collections. Feeding habitat use was determined through monthly surveys from fixed-wing aircraft to record nonsolitary animals in nonforested habitat; Kulcyznski's similarity index was used to calculate dietary and feeding habitat overlap among the 3 ungulates; and these 2 indices were multiplied together to estimate foraging niche overlap. In all seasons; elk and cattle consumed grass-dominated diets mean = 61% and 81%; respectively; although elk diets were more diverse. Mule deer consumed more forbs and shrubs than either elk or cattle P < 0.10. Foraging niche overlap was high 45% between mule deer and elk in spring; Cattle in summer and fall had >60% foraging niche overlap with elk in spring; indicating that; in spring; elk foraged in many of the same places largely sagebrush grassland and ate diets similar in botanical composition to what cattle did during summer and fall principally Festuca idahoensis; Pseudoroegneria spicata; and Achnatberum spp.; Foraging niche overlap also was high 41%-.S1% between elk in winter and cattle in summer and fall. Therefore; if competitive or complementary relationships existed betweenelk and cattle; these interactions most likely occurred on sagebrush grasslands where cattle use in summer-fall was followed by elk use in winter-spring. We recommend that resource managers focus their forage utilization and range trend monitoring in foothill sagebrush grasslands.
机译:落基山麋鹿Cephus elaphus nelsoni之间的觅食位重叠。落基山m鹿Odocoileus hemionus hemionus;在怀俄明州西北部37 000公顷无森林的山麓和山区栖息地上对牛Bos taurus进行了2年的研究;显微组织学分析用于量化每月粪便收集物中有蹄类食物的植物成分。通过每月从固定翼飞机进行的调查来确定觅食生境的使用,以记录非森林生境中的非孤立动物; Kulcyznski的相似度指数用于计算3个有蹄类动物的饮食和觅食生境重叠。并将这两个指数相乘以估算觅食生态位的重叠。在所有季节;麋鹿和牛消耗草为主的饮食平均分别为61%和81%;分别;尽管麋鹿的饮食更加多样化。 ule鹿消耗的草和灌木比麋鹿或牛多(P <0.10)。春季,m和麋鹿之间的觅食生态位重叠率高达45%。在夏季和秋季,牛的觅食位与春季麋鹿的重叠率> 60%。表示在春天;在许多相同地方觅食的麋鹿大多在鼠尾草草地上觅食,其饮食组成与夏季和秋季主要是达斯福达牛的牛类似。假单胞菌和Achnatberum spp .;觅食生态位重叠在冬季麋鹿与夏季和秋季的牛之间也高达41%-。S1%。因此;麋鹿和牛之间是否存在竞争或互补关系;这些相互作用最有可能发生在鼠尾草草地上,那里的夏秋季使用牛,冬春季使用麋鹿。我们建议资源管理者将他们的草料利用率和范围趋势监控重点放在山麓鼠尾草草地上。



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