首页> 外文期刊>Range Management & Agroforestry >Growth and productivity of Ocimum basilicum influenced by the application of organic manures under Leucaena leucocephala hedgerows in western Himalayan mid hills

Growth and productivity of Ocimum basilicum influenced by the application of organic manures under Leucaena leucocephala hedgerows in western Himalayan mid hills


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A field experiment was conducted in the western Himalayan mid hills for two consecutive years to study the hedgerow intercropping of Leucaena leucocephala with Ocimum basilicum. Leucaena hedgerows were spaced seven meters apart with three different plant spacing within the hedgerows and three different organic manures were applied to the intercrop. The results showed that closely spaced (0.50 m) Leucaena hedgerows negatively influenced various growth and yield attributes like plant height, number of inflorescence and economic yield of the associated herb as compared to its wider spacing (0.75 m and 1.50 m). The use of organic manures benefited the intercrop by improving the growth even in the presence of hedgerows as compared to control plots (without trees). Irrespective of the tree spacing the growth of O. basilicum was suppressed to a greater extent at a distance closer to the hedgerows in all the treatments.
机译:连续两年在喜马拉雅山西部丘陵地区进行了野外试验,研究了白头翁与罗勒属植物之间的树篱间作。银合欢树篱被隔开七米,在树篱内有三种不同的植物间距,并且将三种不同的有机肥料应用于间作。结果表明,与间距较宽的间距(0.75 m和1.50 m)相比,紧密间距(0.50 m)的银合欢树篱对相关生长和产量属性(如株高,花序数和经济产量)产生负面影响。与对照样地(无树)相比,即使在有树篱的情况下,有机肥的使用也通过改善生长而使间作受益。在所有处理中,无论树木间距如何,在距篱笆更近的距离处,紫苏的生长都会受到较大程度的抑制。



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