
Registry Changes Make Life Easier


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The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) recently announced some changes, and astute readers will notice the results of those changes on the Directed Reading post-tests beginning with this issue. The first change is an extension of the expiration date. Now, Directed Readings are available for 3 years and will be eligible for an additional 3-year renewal, making them potentially available for 6 years. Previously, the posttests were available for 2 years, so members will have more flexibility to take the quizzes when it is most convenient or beneficial to them. The second change will surely brighten the day of many journal readers. Under previous ARRT requirements, 20 post-test questions were needed for 1 Category A or A+ credit, 25 were needed for 1.5 credits, 30 for 3 credits, and so on. The latest ruling simplifies the post-tests for continuing education providers and readers: 8 questions per credit. This change virtually cuts the number of questions you have to answer by half, without reducing the credit amount.
机译:美国放射技术专家注册局(ARRT)最近宣布了一些更改,精明的读者将从本期开始在定向阅读后测中注意到这些更改的结果。第一个更改是有效期的延长。现在,定向阅读的有效期为3年,并且有资格再续签3年,因此可能有6年的可用期。以前,后期测试的有效期为2年,因此,在最方便或最有利于会员的情况下,成员可以更加灵活地参加测验。第二种变化必将为许多期刊读者带来美好的一天。在以前的ARRT要求下,A类或A +类学分需要20个测试后问题,1.5学分需要25个,3学分需要30个,依此类推。最新裁定简化了继续教育提供者和读者的后测:每学分8个问题。这种变化实际上使您必须回答的问题数量减少了一半,而不会减少信用额度。



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