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Radiation and smoking effects on lung cancer incidence by histological types among atomic bomb survivors


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While the risk of lung cancer associated separately with smoking and radiation exposure has been widely reported, it is not clear how smoking and radiation together contribute to the risk of specific lung cancer histological types. With individual smoking histories and radiation dose estimates, we characterized the joint effects of radiation and smoking on type-specific lung cancer rates among the Life Span Study cohort of Japanese atomic bomb survivors. Among 105,404 cohort subjects followed between 1958 and 1999, 1,803 first primary lung cancer incident cases were diagnosed and classified by histological type. Poisson regression methods were used to estimate excess relative risks under several interaction models. Adenocarcinoma (636 cases), squamous-cell carcinoma (330) and small-cell carcinoma (194) made up 90 of the cases with known histology. Both smoking and radiation exposure significantly increased the risk of each major lung cancer histological type. Smoking-associated excess relative risks were significantly larger for small-cell and squamous-cell carcinomas than for adenocarcinoma. The gender-averaged excess relative risks per 1 Gy of radiation (for never-smokers at age 70 after radiation exposure at age 30) were estimated as 1.49 (95 confidence interval 0.14.6) for small-cell carcinoma, 0.75 (0.31.3) for adenocarcinoma, and 0.27 (01.5) for squamous-cell carcinoma. Under a model allowing radiation effects to vary with levels of smoking, the nature of the joint effect of smoking and radiation showed a similar pattern for different histological types in which the radiation-associated excess relative risk tended to be larger for moderate smokers than for heavy smokers. However, in contrast to analyses of all lung cancers as a group, such complicated interactions did not describe the data significantly better than either simple additive or multiplicative interaction models for any of the type-specific analyses.
机译:尽管已经广泛报道了与吸烟和放射线暴露相关的肺癌风险,但尚不清楚吸烟和放射线如何共同导致特定肺癌组织学类型的风险。通过个人吸烟史和辐射剂量估算,我们在日本原子弹幸存者的“寿命研究”队列中,确定了辐射和吸烟对特定类型肺癌发生率的联合影响。在1958年至1999年之间随访的105404名队列研究对象中,按组织学类型诊断并分类了1803例首发原发性肺癌事件。在几种相互作用模型下,使用泊松回归方法来估计过度的相对风险。腺癌(636例),鳞状细胞癌(330)和小细胞癌(194)占组织学已知的90例。吸烟和辐射暴露均显着增加了每种主要肺癌组织学类型的风险。与小细胞癌和鳞状细胞癌相比,与吸烟相关的过量相对风险明显大于腺癌。对于小细胞癌,每1 Gy辐射的性别平均超额相对危险度(对于30岁以下的无烟者在30岁的辐射暴露下)估计为1.49(95置信区间0.14.6),0.75(0.31.3) )(对于腺癌),0.27(01.5)对于鳞状细胞癌。在允许辐射效应随吸烟水平变化的模型下,吸烟和辐射联合效应的性质在不同的组织学类型中显示出相似的模式,其中与辐射相关的过量相对风险倾向于中度吸烟者大于重度吸烟者。吸烟者。但是,与将所有肺癌作为一个整体进行分析相比,对于任何类型特异性分析,这种复杂的相互作用对数据的描述都没有比简单的加性或乘性相互作用模型更好。



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