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Biological Effects of High-Energy Neutrons Measured In Vivo Using aVertebrate Model


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Interaction of solar protons and galactic cosmic radiation withthe atmosphere and other materials produces high-energysecondary neutrons from below 1 to 1000 MeV and higher.Although secondary neutrons may provide an appreciablecomponent of the radiation dose equivalent received by spaceand high-altitude air travelers, the biological effects remainpoorly defined, particularly in vivo in intact organisms. Here wedescribe the acute response of Japanese medaka (Oryziaslatipes) embryos to a beam of high-energy spallation neutronsthat mimics the energy spectrum of secondary neutronsencountered aboard spacecraft and high-altitude aircraft. Todetermine RBE, embryos were exposed to 0-0.5 Gy of high-energy neutron radiation or 0-15 Gy of reference y radiation.The radiation response was measured by imaging apoptotic cellsin situ in defined volumes of the embryo, an assay that provides aquantifiable, linear dose response. The slope of the dose responsein the developing head, relative to reference y radiation,indicates an RBE of 24.9 (95% CI 13.6-40.7). A higher RBEof 48.1 (95% CI 30.0-66.4) was obtained based on overallsurvival. A separate analysis of apoptosis in muscle showed anoverall nonlinear response, with the greatest effects at doses ofless than 0.3 Gy. Results of this experiment indicate thatmedaka are a useful model for investigating biological damageassociated with high-energy neutron exposure.
机译:太阳质子和银河系宇宙射线与大气和其他物质的相互作用产生了从1到1000 MeV或更高的高能次级中子。尽管次级中子可能提供了太空和高空飞行者所接收的等效辐射剂量的相当一部分,但生物效果仍然差强人意,特别是在完整​​生物体内。在这里,我们描述了日本高aka(Oryziaslatipes)胚胎对一束高能散裂中子的急性反应,该中子束模拟了航天器和高空飞行器遇到的次级中子的能谱。要确定RBE,将胚胎暴露于0-0.5 Gy的高能中子辐射或0-15 Gy的参考y辐射。通过在限定体积的胚胎中对凋亡细胞进行原位成像来测量辐射反应,该方法可定量线性剂量反应。相对于参考y辐射,显影头中剂量响应的斜率表示RBE为24.9(95%CI 13.6-40.7)。基于总体生存率,获得了更高的RBEof 48.1(95%CI 30.0-66.4)。单独分析肌肉中的细胞凋亡显示总体上非线性反应,在小于0.3 Gy的剂量下效果最大。该实验的结果表明,medaka是研究高能中子暴露相关的生物学损伤的有用模型。



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