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Sex ratio in the offspring of parents with chronic radiation exposure from nuclear testing in Kazakhstan


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The former Soviet Union conducted a nuclear test program in the Semipalatinsk region of northeastern Kazakhstan in 1949-1989. The population in the vicinity of the test site was chronically exposed to radiation fallout, especially from above-ground tests during 1949-1956. Male:female sex ratio has been proposed as a measure of reproductive health, with some reports suggesting an alteration in the sex ratio of offspring of parents exposed to radiation. We investigated the impact of radiation exposure and other factors on the sex ratio in the population inhabiting the exposed region. A total of 11,464 singleton births of 3,992 mothers exposed to radiation during 1949-1956 were analyzed. The overall sex ratio was 1.07, similar to the current sex ratio in Kazakhstan (1.06). The sex ratio increased from 1.04 where mothers received <20.0 cSv to 1.12 where mothers received >= 60.0 cSv. However, the linear trend across exposures was not significant (P = 0.42). No consistent association was found between the sex ratio and the time since parental radiation exposure, parental age at exposure, or year of birth. Sex ratio was significantly associated with maternal age, birth order and possibly ethnicity but not with paternal age, parental educational level or season. In conclusion, no significant association was found between radiation exposure level and sex ratio, but some previously suggested demographic factors were positively associated with sex ratio.
机译:前苏联于1949-1989年在哈萨克斯坦东北部的塞米巴拉金斯克地区进行了核试验。测试地点附近的人口长期受到辐射辐射的影响,尤其是在1949-1956年间的地上测试中。有人提出男女性别比可以作为生殖健康的一项指标,一些报告表明,受到辐射照射的父母的后代性别比发生了变化。我们调查了辐射暴露和其他因素对居住在暴露区域的人口中性别比例的影响。分析了1949-1956年期间受到辐射的3,992位母亲的11,464例单胎出生。总体性别比为1.07,与哈萨克斯坦当前的性别比(1.06)相似。性别比从母亲接受<20.0 cSv的1.04增加到母亲接受> = 60.0 cSv的1.12。但是,所有暴露之间的线性趋势均不显着(P = 0.42)。在性别比与父母照射后的时间,父母照射时的年龄或出生年份之间未发现一致的关联。性别比与母亲的年龄,出生顺序以及可能与种族的关系密切,但与父亲的年龄,父母的受教育程度或季节无关。总之,在辐射暴露水平与性别比之间没有发现显着相关性,但是一些先前暗示的人口统计学因素与性别比成正相关。



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