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B. thuringiensis Toxin Cry5B in an Antihelminthic Probiotic


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Most probiotic treatments consist of ingesting bacteria known to have commensal relationships with their human hosts but that have undergone little manipulation themselves. Lab head Todd Klaenhammer has a different idea. With first author Evelyn Durmaz, he and his team at North Carolina State University have engineered a strain of Lactococcus lactis to express a known toxin. The toxin, cry5B from Bacillus thuringiensis, is known to act against nematodes and has no known effects against human cells. The team hope to produce an probiotic that can be used to make antihelminthic treatments in underdeveloped countries. Their latest research in Applied and Environmental Microbiology demonstrates that several versions of the cry5B gene can be expressed in L. lactis, and that L. lactis lysates have antinematode activities.
机译:大多数益生菌的治疗方法是摄入与人类宿主有共生关系但本身很少受到操纵的细菌。实验室负责人Todd Klaenhammer有不同的想法。在第一作者伊夫琳·杜马兹(Evelyn Durmaz)的帮助下,他和他在北卡罗莱纳州立大学的研究小组设计了一种乳酸乳球菌菌株,以表达一种已知的毒素。来自苏云金芽孢杆菌的毒素cry5B已知能对抗线虫,并且对人细胞没有已知作用。研究小组希望生产一种可以在不发达国家用于抗蠕虫病治疗的益生菌。他们在“应用和环境微生物学”中的最新研究表明,可在乳酸乳杆菌中表达cry5B基因的多个版本,并且乳酸乳杆菌的裂解物具有杀线虫活性。



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