首页> 外文期刊>NGW's Gas Market Reconnaissance >Nymex March crude rose 72¢ to close at $75.26/bbl.

Nymex March crude rose 72¢ to close at $75.26/bbl.

机译:纽约商交所三月原油期货上涨72 crude,收于$ 75.26 / bbl。

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Crude oil advanced as the US stock market rebounded from the largest three-session decline since March once it became clear that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is a shoo-in to be reconfirmed. Oil also found support after sellers failed to break prices below major technical support at about $74 a barrel. Meanwhile, according to a report by Morgan Stanley, oil prices will rise to $95 a barrel by the end of the year as demand improves. The report said that declining oil supplies and the rebounding economy will likely send oil prices climbing to average $100 a barrel in 2011.
机译:一旦美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)显然需要再次确认,美国股市就从三月份以来最大的三个交易日反弹中反弹,原油价格上涨。在卖主未能将价格跌破每桶74美元的主要技术支撑位后,石油也获得支撑。同时,根据摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的一份报告,随着需求的改善,到今年年底油价将升至每桶95美元。报告说,石油供应的减少和经济的回升很可能使油价在2011年攀升至平均每桶100美元。



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