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Zoonoses: Infectious Diseases Transmissible from Animals to Humans (4th ed.)


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Issues surrounding transmissions of infectious agents from animals (wild and domestic) to humans have become an increasingly important topic of discussions not only among clinicians and scientists but also in the general public. A search in the PubMed data base (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) using the key word "zoonoses" reveals a signif?cant increase in publications over the years. For example, as of June 1, 2016, an astounding 1,338 papers have been published on zoonoses in 2015 alone, compared to 836, 537, and 362 papers in 2010, 2005, and 2000, respectively. It is therefore not surprising that existing books about zoonoses need to be frequently updated in order to provide readers with information about the most recent research f?ndings and developments in this f?eld.
机译:传染病从动物(野生和家养)向人类的传播问题已成为越来越重要的讨论话题,不仅在临床医生和科学家之间,而且在公众中。使用关键词“ zoonoses”在PubMed数据库(www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)中进行的搜索显示,多年来出版物的数量显着增加。例如,截至2016年6月1日,仅在人畜共患病方面,仅2015年就发表了1338篇惊人的论文,而2010年,2005年和2000年分别发表了836篇,537篇和362篇。因此,毫不奇怪,有关人畜共患病的现有书籍需要经常进行更新,以向读者提供有关该领域最新研究成果和发展的信息。



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