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Chemical constituents of marijuana: the complex mixture of natural cannabinoids.


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The cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa L.) and products thereof (such as marijuana, hashish and hash oil) have a long history of use both as a medicinal agent and intoxicant. Over the last few years there have been an active debate regarding the medicinal aspects of cannabis. Currently cannabis products are classified as Schedule I drugs under the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Controlled Substances act, which means that the drug is only available for human use as an investigational drug. In addition to the social aspects of the use of the drug and its abuse potential, the issue of approving it as a medicine is further complicated by the complexity of the chemical make up of the plant. This manuscript discusses the chemical constituents of the plant with particular emphasis on the cannabinoids as the class of compounds responsible for the drug's psychological properties.
机译:大麻植物(Cannabis sativa L.)及其产品(例如大麻,大麻油和大麻油)既有用作药物又有毒的历史。在过去的几年中,关于大麻的药用方面一直存在积极的辩论。当前,大麻产品根据《药物管制局(DEA)管制物质法》被归类为附表I药物,这意味着该药物仅可作为人类研究药物使用。除了药物使用的社会方面及其潜在的滥用可能性外,由于植物化学成分的复杂性,批准将其用作药物的问题更加复杂。该手稿讨论了植物的化学成分,并特别强调了大麻素作为负责该药物心理特性的一类化合物。



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