首页> 外文期刊>Life sciences >Infant formula ingestion is associated with the development of diabetes in the BB/Wor rat.

Infant formula ingestion is associated with the development of diabetes in the BB/Wor rat.

机译:婴儿配方食品的摄入与BB / Wor大鼠的糖尿病发展有关。

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The association between early exposure to cow's milk products in infancy and risk for insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is controversial. We examined whether the ingestion of cow's milk-based infant formula altered the expression of the diabetic syndrome in the BB/Wor rat, an animal model of IDDM. Pregnant BB/Wor dams were obtained from the NIH contract colony at the University of Massachusetts and housed under semi-barrier conditions. Rat pups were intubated with 1 to 2 ml of commercially available cow's milk-based infant formula (Enfamil or Nutramigen) or sham intubated (controls) daily from day 12 to day 25 of life. Pups were weaned at day 25 and monitored for glucosuria daily through 120 days of life. All rats including dams consumed a milk-free rat chow and acidified water ad libitum throughout the study. The mean age of disease onset was 4 to 10 days earlier in Nutramigen-fed and Enfamil-fed rats relative to controls (84+/-3, 78+/-2 and 88+/-4 days, respectively); the mean age of disease onset was significantly different between controls and Enfamil-fed animals (p<0.05). At 120 days, 60% (12/20) of control rats developed diabetes versus 100% of animals fed either type of infant formula prior to weaning (15/15:Enfamil-fed; 19/19:Nutramigen-fed) (p<0.05). These data indicate that direct, early ingestion of cow's milk-based formula was related to the expression of diabetes in the BB/Wor rat.
机译:婴儿期早期接触牛奶产品与胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(IDDM)的风险之间存在关联。我们检查了摄入基于牛奶的婴儿配方奶粉是否会改变BB / Wor大鼠(IDDM的动物模型)中糖尿病综合征的表达。怀孕的BB / Wor水坝是从马萨诸塞州大学的NIH合同殖民地获得的,并在半隔离条件下饲养。每天从生命的第12天到第25天,每天给1至2毫升市售的以牛奶为基础的婴儿配方奶粉(Enfamil或Nutramigen)或假手术(对照组)插管幼鼠。在第25天给幼仔断奶,并在整个120天的生活中每天进行糖尿监测。在整个研究过程中,包括大坝在内的所有大鼠均消耗了无牛奶的大鼠食物和酸化的水。 Nutramigen喂养和Enfamil喂养的大鼠的平均发病年龄比对照组早4至10天(分别为84 +/- 3、78 +/- 2和88 +/- 4天)。对照组和Enfamil喂养的动物的平均发病年龄显着不同(p <0.05)。在120天时,有60%(12/20)的对照大鼠患了糖尿病,而在断奶前饲喂两种类型婴儿配方食品的动物中有100%(15/15:Enfamil-fed; 19/19:Nutramigen-fed)(p < 0.05)。这些数据表明直接,早期摄入基于牛乳的配方奶与BB / Wor大鼠中的糖尿病表达有关。



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