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How involved are they really? A comparative network analysis of the institutional drivers of local actor inclusion Reply


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Skutsch et al. criticized the results of our recently published article, which explores the relationship between land change and land tenure in Mexico (Bonilla-Moheno et al., 2013). Specifically, they question our methodology and consequently the conclusions, which they argue are biased for the following reasons: “(a) the use of MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) data to measure deforestation, because the spatial resolution of this imagery (pixel size around 250 m, or 6.25 ha) does not permit a good estimation and much deforestation would go undetected at this scale, for example small scale clearances associated with unsustainable shifting cultivation and clearance for grazing, and; (b) inclusion in the sample of only those municipalities which have >80% of their productive land under a given tenure type”.
机译:Skutsch等。批评了我们最近发表的文章的结果,该文章探讨了墨西哥土地变化与土地所有制之间的关系(Bonilla-Moheno等,2013)。具体来说,他们质疑我们的方法,并因此得出结论,他们认为这些结论有以下偏见:“(a)使用MODIS增强植被指数(EVI)数据来衡量森林砍伐,因为该图像的空间分辨率(像素大小)大约250 m或6.25公顷)无法进行正确的估算,并且在此规模上不会发现大量的砍伐森林,例如与不可持续的轮作种植相关的小规模清除和放牧清除;以及(b)仅在给定使用权类型下将其生产性土地的80%以上的城市包括在样本中”。



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