
Significance of radar remote sensed imagery for agricultural applications


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Remotely sensed optical image data acquired by airborne or satellite sensors provide useful information about crop discrimination as well as infield crop variability. It has been demonstrated that optical remote sensing data is applicable to estimatecrop biomass variability for developing management strategies. Due to the weather dependency of this technique, data availability is not guaranteed when it is needed. A solution to this problem might be radar technology which can be acquired at any time,which means at all relevant growth stages. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscattering provides information about canopy structure and water content. The insufficient understanding of SAR backscatter mechanisms according to agricultural soil and plantconditions is the biggest gap of SAR data usage in agriculture at present time. The objective of the presented study was to improve the understanding of radar backscattering of agricultural crops and to show the potential and restrictions of radar remote sensing in agriculture. Research was performed during the vegetation periods of 2001 and 2002 in an agricultural dominated area of Mecklenburg-Western Pomera-nia in northern Germany (13.4° E; 53.9° N). Multi-dimensional airborne X- and L-band SAR-data were acquired by the German E-SAR (DLR) with l m ground resolution. The results indicate that different crops can be discriminated and infield variability can be located clearly by radar imagery. Further single radar bands and several different band combinations were tested for determining infield biomass variability in winter wheat. Therefore a correlation analytical and a discriminant analytical approach were chosen. It turned out, that backscatter of horizontal polarized X-band (X-HH) is most suitable, but relationships were improved by using band combinations. Likewise the generalized discriminant analysis revealed better relationships than the correlation analysis. Despite the difficulties of understanding radar backscattering, radar imagery provides valuable information about infield spatial crop variability, even if the acquisition of optical data is limited by unfavorable weather conditions.
机译:机载或卫星传感器获取的遥感光学图像数据可提供有关作物歧视以及内地作物变异性的有用信息。已经证明,光学遥感数据可用于估算作物生物量的变异性,以制定管理策略。由于此技术的天气依赖性,在需要时无法保证数据可用性。解决此问题的方法可能是可以随时获取的雷达技术,这意味着在所有相关的成长阶段。合成孔径雷达(SAR)反向散射可提供有关冠层结构和含水量的信息。对农业土壤和植物条件对SAR反向散射机制的了解不足,是目前农业上SAR数据使用的最大差距。本研究的目的是增进对农作物雷达反向散射的理解,并展示农业中雷达遥感的潜力和局限性。在德国北部梅克伦堡-前波美拉尼亚州(13.4°E; 53.9°N)的农业主导地区的2001年至2002年植被时期进行了研究。多维机载X波段和L波段SAR数据是由德国E-SAR(DLR)采集的,地面分辨率为1 m。结果表明,通过雷达图像可以区分不同的农作物,并且可以清楚地确定内在的变异性。测试了另外的单个雷达波段和几种不同的波段组合,以确定冬小麦的内地生物量变异性。因此,选择了相关分析和判别分析方法。事实证明,水平极化X波段(X-HH)的反向散射最合适,但是通过使用波段组合可以改善关系。同样,广义判别分析显示出比相关分析更好的关系。尽管难以理解雷达的反向散射,即使光学数据的采集受到不利的天气条件的限制,雷达图像仍可提供有关田间空间作物变异性的有价值的信息。



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