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Habituation, latent inhibition, and extinction


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In two conditioned suppression experiments with a latent inhibition (LI) design, we measured the habituation of rats in preexposure, their LI during conditioning, and then extinction over days. In the first experiment, lick suppression, the preexposed group (PE) showed a significant initial unconditioned response (UR) to the target stimulus and significant long-term habituation (LTH) of that response over days. The significant difference between the PE and nonpreexposed (NPE) groups on the first conditioning trial was due solely to the difference in their URs to the conditioned stimulus (CS)-a habituated response (PE) and an unhabituated response (NPE). In the second experiment, bar-press suppression, little UR to the target stimulus was apparent during preexposure, and no detectable LTH. Thus, there was no difference between the PE and NPE groups on the first conditioning trial. Whether the UR to the CS confounds the interpretation of LI (Exp. 1) or not (Exp. 2) can only be known if the UR is measured. In both experiments, LI was observed in acquisition. Also in both experiments, rats that were preexposed and then conditioned to asymptote were significantly more resistant to extinction than were the rats not preexposed. This result contrasts with the consistently reported finding that preexposure either produces less resistance to extinction or has no effect on extinction. The effect of stimulus preexposure survived conditioning to asymptote and was reflected directly in extinction. These two experiments provide a cautionary procedural note for LI experiments and have shown an unexpected extinction effect that may provide new insights into the interpretation of LI.
机译:在两个具有潜在抑制(LI)设计的条件抑制实验中,我们测量了大鼠在暴露前的习性,条件适应期间的LI,然后在数天内灭绝。在第一个实验(舔suppression抑制)中,预先暴露的组(PE)在数天内显示出对目标刺激的显着初始无条件反应(UR)和该响应的显着长期习惯性(LTH)。 PE和未暴露(NPE)组之间在第一次条件试验中的显着差异完全是由于它们对条件刺激(CS)的UR差异-习惯性反应(PE)和非习惯性反应(NPE)。在第二个实验中,压杆抑制,在预曝光期间对目标刺激的UR很小,并且没有可检测的LTH。因此,在第一次条件试验中,PE和NPE组之间没有差异。仅当测量了UR时,才能知道CS的UR是否混淆LI(解释1)(解释2)的解释。在两个实验中,在采集中均观察到LI。同样在两个实验中,预先暴露然后适应渐近线的大鼠比未预先暴露的大鼠对灭绝的抵抗力要强得多。该结果与持续报道的发现相反,即预曝光对灭绝的抵抗力较小或对灭绝没有影响。刺激预暴露的效果在渐近渐近性条件下得以幸存,并直接反映在灭绝中。这两个实验为LI实验提供了警告性的程序说明,​​并且显示出意想不到的灭绝效果,可能为LI的解释提供新的见解。



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