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MIDMARKET ERP: Intuitive rewrites solution using Microsoft .NET; gets acquisitive in the process

机译:MIDMARKET ERP:使用Microsoft .NET直观地重写解决方案;在此过程中变得习以为常

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ERP provider Intuitive Manufacturing Systems has seen some milestones in the past year or so. First it was acquired by an equity firm, and since then made some acquisitions of its own. All the while, Intuitive was completely rewriting its flagship product on the Microsoft Windows NT platform. These things sit well with customers such as Leading Edge Hydraulics, a Rockford, Ill.-based maker of hydraulic fluid carriers used in construction, agricultural, and material-handling equipment. "We've had very aggressive growth over the past three years, and we're pleased Intuitive is taking steps to continue growing as well," says Russell L. Dennis, Jr., a company VP.
机译:ERP提供商Intuitive Manufacturing Systems在过去一年左右的时间里看到了一些里程碑。首先,它被一家股权公司收购,此后又进行了一些自己的收购。一直以来,Intuitive都在Microsoft Windows NT平台上完全重写了其旗舰产品。这些东西与Leading Edge Hydraulics等客户关系良好,Leading Edge Hydraulics是总部位于伊利诺伊州罗克福德的液压流体载体制造商,用于建筑,农业和物料搬运设备。公司副总裁罗素·丹尼斯(Russell L. Dennis,Jr.)表示:“在过去三年中,我们取得了非常积极的增长,我们很高兴直觉公司也采取措施继续保持增长。



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