首页> 外文期刊>Langenbeck's archives of surgery >Social desirability in the measuring of patient satisfaction after treatment of coloproctologic disorders : On shortcomings of general bipolar satisfaction scales for quality management.

Social desirability in the measuring of patient satisfaction after treatment of coloproctologic disorders : On shortcomings of general bipolar satisfaction scales for quality management.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Within the field of medicine, much attention is being paid to quality management, whereby patient satisfaction plays a major role. In order to measure this construct, usually rather general, bipolar rating scales are applied. However, these scales are often susceptible to social desirability biases. PATIENTS-METHODS: Coloproctological patients were asked to complete a questionnaire with ratings of satisfaction and anxiety at two different points of measurement: One group while in treatment (N = 86) and a second group approximately 1 year after their treatment (N = 328). RESULTS: Even when controlling for relevant demographic influences, a clear decrease in intensity of the evaluation ratings is shown when the survey was administered 1 year after release from hospital as compared to during the patients' stay in hospital. For generally formulated scales of patient satisfaction, social desirability constitutes a significant bias. CONCLUSION: The usual conceptualization of a bipolar continuum of patient satisfaction or dissatisfaction must be renounced. Instead, questionnaires might be constructed in three steps which investigate problem dimensions at a medium level of concreteness. Only in this way can quality management gain credibility and trust within as well as beyond the field of medicine.
机译:背景与目的:在医学领域,人们对质量管理给予了极大关注,其中患者满意度起着主要作用。为了测量这种结构,通常使用相当普遍的双极等级量表。但是,这些量表通常容易受到社会期望偏差的影响。患者方法:要求肠胃病患者填写问卷,对两个满意度进行满意度和焦虑评分:一组在治疗中(N = 86),另一组在治疗后约一年(N = 328) 。结果:即使在控制相关人口统计学影响的情况下,与患者住院期间相比,在离开医院一年后进行调查时,评估等级的强度也明显降低。对于一般制定的患者满意度量表,社会可取性构成了很大的偏见。结论:必须放弃患者满意度或不满意的双极连续性的通常概念。取而代之的是,调查问卷可以分为三个步骤,以中等程度的具体程度调查问题的维度。只有这样,质量管理才能在医学领域内外获得信誉和信任。



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