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Radiographic, histologic, and cytologic lesions associated with mutations in the fitness1~(4226SB) locus of mice


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Previous investigation of fitness1~(4226SB) mice revealed growth retardation and microcytic, hypochromic anemia with functional iron deficiency. Serum biochemical analysis suggested protein-losing enteropathy and liver dysfunction. Radiography was done to assess lumbar bone lesions in mice hemizygous for fitness/ (fit1) [c fit1~(4226SB)/Df(c Mod2 sh1)~(26DVT)] and age-matched sibling controls [c~(ch)+/c~(ch)+] at 40 or 60 days of age. Macroscopic and microscopic lesions were evaluated at necropsy. Bone marrow was examined cytologically to evaluate hematopoietic lesions. Mice hemizygous for fit1 had radiographically evident lumbar vertebral abnormalities, including various degrees of vertebral body fusion, with loss of intervertebral disk spaces and mild, generalized osteopenia. All mutant mice had scoliosis. Several mutant mice had lordosis and/or kyphosis of variable severity and mild subluxation at the lumbosacral junction. Marked splenomegaly and mild cardiomegaly were evident, and bone marrow color ranged from normal to slightly pale. The spleen had marked extramedullary hematopoiesis; lumbar vertebrae contained microscopic lesions that corresponded to the radiographic lesions. Cytologic examination of bone marrow revealed normocellular to hypocellular status, with mild to moderate erythroid hypoplasia characterized by mild increase in the myeloid-to-erythroid cell ratio, decreased percentage of erythroid precursors, and slight increase in percentage of myeloid precursor cells. Mutations in fit1 directly or indirectly cause alteration(s) in blood, organs of hematopoiesis (bone marrow, spleen, and liver), heart, and vertebral column, and suggest that this mouse may be a good model for study of scoliosis and relationships between iron metabolism and bone growth.
机译:先前对Fitness1〜(4226SB)小鼠的调查显示,发育迟缓和功能性铁缺乏的小细胞性贫血性贫血。血清生化分析提示蛋白质丢失性肠病和肝功能异常。进行了放射学检查以评估半合子小鼠的腰椎骨病变的适应性/(fit1)[c fit1〜(4226SB)/ Df(c Mod2 sh1)〜(26DVT)]和年龄匹配的同胞对照[c〜(ch)+ / c〜(ch)+]在40或60天的年龄。尸检时评估宏观和微观病变。对骨髓进行细胞学检查以评估造血病变。符合要求的半合子小鼠在放射学上有明显的腰椎异常,包括各种程度的椎体融合,椎间盘间隙丢失和轻度的全身性骨质减少。所有突变小鼠都患有脊柱侧弯。几只突变型小鼠的腰junction部和/或后凸畸形程度不一,腰s部轻度半脱位。明显有脾肿大和轻度心脏肿大,骨髓颜色从正常到略微苍白。脾脏有明显的髓外造血功能。腰椎包含与放射学病变相对应的微观病变。骨髓的细胞学检查显示正常细胞到低细胞状态,轻度到中度的类红细胞发育不全,其特征是骨髓与类红细胞的细胞比例轻度增加,类红细胞前体的百分比降低,而髓样前体细胞的百分比略有增加。 fit1的突变直接或间接引起血液,造血器官(骨髓,脾脏和肝脏),心脏和椎骨柱的改变,这表明该小鼠可能是研究脊柱侧凸及其之间关系的良好模型。铁代谢和骨骼生长。



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