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Magnetoelectroporation:improved labeling of neural stem cells and leukocytes for cellular magnetic resonance imaging using a single FDA-approved agent


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Cellular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) relies on the use of intracellular contrast agents,primarily iron oxide compounds.Several techniques have been used to efficiently shuttle iron oxides into nonphagocytic cells,but all methods used until now require a prolonged incubation of cells.We hypothesized that instant magnetic labeling of cells could be achieved using electroporation.Neural stem cells (NSCs) and leukocytes from spleen and lymph nodes were suspended in a ferumoxide labeling solution,loaded into cuvettes,and subjected to electromechanical permeabilization using electroporation.Magnetically labeled cells were assayed for labeling efficiency,as well as for potential toxicity or altered function.To confirm the method's applicability to detect cells,MRI experiments were performed at 11.7 T.Magnetoelectroporation of NSCs,as demonstrated by Prussian blue staining,anti-dextran immunostaining,and a quantitative iron uptake assay,proved to be an efficient intracellular magnetic labeling method.Leukocytes including lymphocytes,which are notoriously difficult to label because of their membrane properties and small cytoplasmic volume, also demonstrated a pronounced uptake of ferumoxide.MRI experiments showed that labeled NSCs could be visualized as single cells and cell clusters in gelatin phantoms,and as proliferating cell masses in mouse brain.We have developed a convenient technique for instant magnetic labeling of cells.Because magnetoelectroporation allows the use of ferumoxides approved by the US Food and Drug Administration without additional agents,it has excellent potential for clinical translation.
机译:细胞核磁共振成像(MRI)依赖于使用细胞内造影剂(主要是氧化铁化合物)。已经使用了多种技术将氧化铁有效地穿梭到非吞噬细胞中,但是直到现在,所有使用的方法都需要长时间的细胞孵育。通过电穿孔可以实现细胞的即时磁性标记。将脾脏和淋巴结中的神经干细胞(NSCs)和白细胞悬浮在氧化亚铁标记溶液中,装入比色皿中,并使用电穿孔进行机电通透化。为了证实该方法对细胞的适用性,在普鲁士蓝染色,抗右旋糖酐免疫染色和定量分析的基础上,在11.7 T.NSCs的磁电穿孔实验中证实了该方法对细胞的适用性。铁摄取测定,被证明是有效的细胞内磁实验室众所周知,白细胞包括淋巴细胞由于其膜特性和较小的细胞质体积而难以标记,也显示出明显的二氧化二铁摄取.MRI实验表明标记的NSC可以可视化为明胶体模中的单个细胞和细胞簇。我们已经开发了一种方便的技术,可以对细胞进行即时磁性标记。由于磁电穿孔技术允许使用美国食品药品监督管理局批准的亚铁氧化物,而无需使用其他试剂,因此它具有极好的临床翻译潜力。



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