首页> 外文期刊>Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine >Using microcantilever deflection to detect HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120

Using microcantilever deflection to detect HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120


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Microcantilevers have been used over the last decade to detect biomolecules from solution.Specific binding events on one surface of the microcantilever create a differential stress,resulting in measurable deflection.Here we use this principle to detect human imrnunodeficiency virus type 1 (HTV-1) envelope glycoprotein (Env) gp120 from solution.We observed deflections approximately twice that of the baseline (in PBS) upon specific binding of gpl20 to cantilevers decorated on one side with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) A32 or T8.Subsequent incubation with mAb 17b (known to bind an A32-induced epitope on gpl20) further increased deflection of A32-but not T8-presenting cantilevers.This work shows the capability of microcantilever deflection sensors to detect an induced-fit interaction at test concentrations of 8 mu g/mL gp120 and 0.17 mg/mL 17b.Further development of this technique could lead to a portable,low-cost device for the effective detection of HIV-1.
机译:在过去的十年中,微悬臂梁已经用于检测溶液中的生物分子。微悬臂梁的一个表面上的特定结合事件会产生不同的应力,导致可测量的偏转。在这里,我们使用此原理来检测人类1型免疫缺陷病毒(HTV-1)。溶液中的包膜糖蛋白(Env)gp120。我们观察到gpl20与一侧用单克隆抗体(mAb)A32或T8装饰的悬臂特异性结合后,挠度约为基线的两倍(在PBS中)。随后与mAb 17b孵育(已知结合A32诱导的表位在gp120上)进一步增加了A32而非T8悬臂的偏转。这项工作表明,微悬臂梁偏转传感器能够在8μg / mL gp120和0.17 mg / mL 17b。这项技术的进一步发展可能会导致便携式,低成本的设备可以有效地检测HIV-1。



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