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What influences farmers to keep trees?


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Landscape change is driven by economic, demographic and cultural factors operating at a range of spatial and temporal scales. However, landscapes developed for agriculture often retain some wooded areas or paddock trees. The study aimed to identify the relationships between, and influence of, the demographic, economic and cultural values of landholders on the retention of native trees on farms in the Brigalow Belt, Queensland. Two response variables were tested: the proportion of total tree cover on all soil types, and the proportion of tree cover on fertile soils most suitable for agriculture. Explanatory variables were grouped into five conceptual areas: economic factors, demographic characteristics, cultural/social values, attachment to property, and opinions about vegetation management control. Principal components analysis and generalised linear models were used to select and assess the influence of the explanatory variables. An economic factor, farm size, had the strongest influence on both response variables, although the effect was less strong for tree cover on fertile soils. Agreement that tree cover was attractive (a cultural value) and attendance on training courses (a demographic characteristic) were also influential, together with other economic factors recognising production benefits from wooded areas. We conclude that a better understanding of social, economic and cultural factors that influence landholders' decisions about how much tree cover to retain on their property is a prerequisite to targeting passive landscape restoration in areas where over-clearing is threatening landscape health.
机译:景观变化是由在一系列时空尺度上运行的经济,人口和文化因素驱动的。但是,为农业开发的景观经常保留一些林区或围场树木。该研究旨在确定昆士兰州Brigalow Belt上土地所有者的人口,经济和文化价值对农场内原生树木保留的关系及其影响。测试了两个响应变量:在所有土壤类型上的总树木覆盖率,以及最适合农业的肥沃土壤上的树木覆盖率。解释变量分为五个概念领域:经济因素,人口特征,文化/社会价值,对财产的依恋以及对植被管理控制的看法。主成分分析和广义线性模型用于选择和评估解释变量的影响。经济因素,农场规模,对两个响应变量的影响最大,尽管在肥沃的土壤上覆盖树木的影响较小。树木覆盖物具有吸引力(文化价值)和参加培训课程(人口统计学特征)的共识,以及其他从林区获得生产收益的经济因素,也都具有影响力。我们得出结论,要更好地理解影响土地所有者决定保留多少树木的财产的社会,经济和文化因素,这是针对过度砍伐威胁着景观健康的地区进行被动景观恢复的前提。



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