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Delimitation of a hydrogeological reserve for a city within a karsticaquifer: the Merida, Yucatan example


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Merida is the largest city in southeastern Mexico, where the urban supply is obtained mainly from three wellfields outside of the urban limits in a karst aquifer that is particularly vulnerable to contamination. Merida, Yucatan has a population greater than 600 000 inhabitants. The city obtains its freshwater from a thin (<50 m thick) sole-source aquifer. This aquifer also supplies water to satisfy the industrial and agricultural needs of the region. Ln order to help in maintaining an adequate water supply for the city, a detailed study has been conducted to determine the best area to establish a hydrogeological reserve zone (HRZ). A polygon of 900 km(2) was chosen southwest of the city. This area is upgradient from Merida, no industrial activity is present, and there are two natural boundaries that bound the proposed HRZ. These are no-flow boundaries that have developed as a result of the second boundary: a high permeability zone locally known as the ring of cenotes (ring of sinkholes). The major current obstacle to designate this area as a hydrogeological reserve is an industrial landfill that is present in within the proposed area. As part of the establishment of the HRZ, the landfill should be relocated, and a comprehensive ground water quality study should be conducted to determine the actual water quality of the aquifer.
机译:梅里达(Merida)是墨西哥东南部最大的城市,其城市供应主要来自城市边界以外的三个井田,该地区的喀斯特含水层特别容易受到污染。尤卡坦州梅里达的人口超过60万。该市从稀薄的单层含水层(<50 m厚)获取淡水。该含水层还供应水以满足该地区的工业和农业需求。为了帮助维持城市的充足水供应,已进行了详细研究,以确定建立水文地质保护区(HRZ)的最佳区域。在城市西南面选择了900 km(2)的多边形。此区域是从梅里达(Merida)升级的,没有任何工业活动,并且有两个自然界线限制了拟议的HRZ。这些是第二边界所形成的无流动边界:高渗透率区域,当地称为cenotes环(沉陷环)。当前将该地区指定为水文地质保护区的主要障碍是提议区域内存在的工业垃圾填埋场。作为HRZ建立的一部分,应将填埋场搬迁,并应进行全面的地下水水质研究,以确定含水层的实际水质。



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