首页> 外文期刊>Landscape and Urban Planning >Flooding-induced landscape changes along dendritic stream networks and implications for wildlife habitat.

Flooding-induced landscape changes along dendritic stream networks and implications for wildlife habitat.


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Severe low frequency natural disturbances along stream networks can substantially alter urban and rural landscapes and impact habitat and population dynamics of wildlife species. In 1978, severe flooding along the North Prong of the Medina River significantly altered the habitat for the Rio Grande wild turkey and may have contributed to the decreased abundance of this species observed during recent decades in the southeastern Edwards Plateau, TX, USA. The objective of our study was to examine the changes in landscape structure caused by this flooding event and their potential impact on wild turkey habitat. Aerial photography from 1972, 1984, and 1995 was used to quantify habitat changes in riparian zones and adjacent bottomlands along the Medina River. We documented substantial reductions in habitat suitability and connectivity caused by the flooding, followed by a partial recovery over 17 years. Analysis using patch-level metrics in conjunction with class-level metrics, provided insights to the pattern and possible mechanisms of the landscape changes. Habitat along higher-order streams was most affected, reducing not only the suitable habitat locally, but also the habitat connectivity throughout the riparian network. This loss of connectivity rendered numerous habitat patches along lower-order streams unavailable to Rio Grande wild turkeys as this species depends on riparian corridors for dispersal and movement among habitat patches. Our results illustrate the critical importance of multiple-scale analysis based on hierarchical dendritic structures of river networks when assessing habitat changes and their impact on populations of terrestrial wildlife species dependent on riparian habitats in semi-arid landscapes.
机译:沿河网的严重低频自然干扰会大大改变城市和乡村的景观,并影响野生动植物物种的栖息地和种群动态。 1978年,沿着麦地那河北Pro发生的严重洪灾极大地改变了里奥格兰德野生火鸡的栖息地,并且可能导致近几十年来在美国德克萨斯州东南部爱德华兹高原发现的该物种的丰度下降。我们研究的目的是研究这场洪灾造成的景观结构变化及其对野生火鸡栖息地的潜在影响。 1972年,1984年和1995年的航拍照片用于量化麦地那河沿岸带和邻近海底地带的栖息地变化。我们记录了洪水造成的栖息地适应性和连通性大幅下降,随后在17年中部分恢复。使用补丁程序级别的度量标准和类级别的度量标准进行分析,可以洞悉格局变化的模式和可能的机制。高阶河流的生境受到的影响最大,不仅减少了当地合适的栖息地,而且减少了整个河岸网络的栖息地连通性。这种连通性的丧失使里约格兰德野生火鸡无法利用低级河沿岸的许多栖息地斑块,因为该物种依赖河岸走廊在栖息地斑块之间分散和移动。我们的结果表明,在评估生境变化及其对依赖半干旱景观中河岸生境的陆地野生动植物种种群的影响时,基于河网分层树状结构的多尺度分析至关重要。



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