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Patient in a coma plays tennis.


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Researchers have shown that a patient diagnosed as being in a vegetative state does have conscious thought. Using functional MRI (fMRI), Adrian Owen (Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK) and colleagues assessed the patient's neural responses to various spoken sentences and requests to perform imagery tasks and these were compared with controls' responses (Science 2006; 313:1402).Patients can enter a vegetative state after a head injury or after being in a coma. They have no awareness of self or environment but are defined as being awake-patients will typically have intact brainstem centres awd reflexes.In July, 2005, a woman, aged 23 years, sustained a severe traumatic brain injury in a road traffic accident. At 5 months the patient remained unresponsive but had normal sleep-wake patterns and was diagnosed as being in a vegetative state. Owen's group presented spoken sentences to the patient and assessed her fMRI; speech-specific activity was reported bilaterally in the middle and superior temporal gyri, these results were identical to the controls' responses. In a second experiment, the researchers played prerecorded spoken instructions ("imagine playing tennis", "imagine visiting the rooms in your home", "now just relax") followed by periods of rest. When asked to imagine playing tennis, significant activity in the supplementary motor area was reported on fMRI. When asked to imagine walking through her house, significant activity was reported in the patient's parahippocampal gyrus, posterior parietal cortex, and lateral premotor cortex. All neural responses to these tasks matched those of the controls.
机译:研究人员表明,被诊断为植物人的患者的确具有意识。使用功能性MRI(fMRI),Adrian Owen(英国剑桥医学研究委员会认知和脑科学部门)及其同事评估了患者对各种口语句子和执行图像任务的神经反应,并将其与对照组的反应进行了比较(科学2006; 313:1402)。患者可以在头部受伤或昏迷后进入植物生长状态。他们没有自我意识或环境意识,但被定义为清醒患者,通常会有完整的脑干中枢和反射。2005年7月,一名23岁的妇女在道路交通事故中遭受了严重的颅脑外伤。在5个月时,患者仍无反应,但具有正常的睡眠-觉醒模式,并被诊断为植物人。欧文(Owen)的小组向患者介绍了口头句子并评估了她的功能磁共振成像。双边和中期颞上回报告了语音特定活动,这些结果与对照组的反应相同。在第二个实验中,研究人员演奏了预先录制的语音指令(“想象打网球”,“想像访问家中的房间”,“现在放松”),然后休息了一段时间。当被要求想象打网球时,在功能磁共振成像中报告了辅助运动区的重要活动。当被要求想象要走过她的房子时,据报道患者的海马旁回,顶叶后皮质和前运动前皮质有大量活动。对这些任务的所有神经反应均与对照反应相符。



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