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Comparison of hypothermia and normothermia after severe traumatic brain injury in children (Cool Kids): a phase 3, randomised controlled trial.


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On the basis of mixed results from previous trials, we assessed whether therapeutic hypothermia for 48-72 h with slow rewarming improved mortality in children after brain injury.In this phase 3, multicenter, multinational, randomised controlled trial, we included patients with severe traumatic brain injury who were younger than 18 years and could be enrolled within 6 h of injury. We used a computer-generated randomisation sequence to randomly allocate patients (1:1; stratified by site and age [<6 years, 6-15 years, 16-17 years]) to either hypothermia (rapidly cooled to 32-33°C for 48-72 h, then rewarmed by 0·5-1·0°C every 12-24 h) or normothermia (maintained at 36·5-37·5°C). The primary outcome was mortality at 3 months, assessed by intention-to-treat analysis; secondary outcomes were global function at 3 months after injury using the Glasgow outcome scale (GOS) and the GOS-extended pediatrics, and the occurrence of serious adverse events. Investigators assessing outcomes were masked to treatment. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00222742.The study was terminated early for futility after an interim data analysis on data for 77 patients (enrolled between Nov 1, 2007, and Feb 28, 2011): 39 in the hypothermia group and 38 in the normothermia group. We detected no between-group difference in mortality 3 months after injury (6 [15%] of 39 patients in the hypothermia group vs two [5%] of 38 patients in the normothermia group; p=0·15). Poor outcomes did not differ between groups (in the hypothermia group, 16 [42%] patients had a poor outcome by GOS and 18 [47%] had a poor outcome by GOS-extended paediatrics; in the normothermia group, 16 [42%] patients had a poor outcome by GOS and 19 [51%] of 37 patients had a poor outcome by GOS-extended paediatrics). We recorded no between-group differences in the occurrence of adverse events or serious adverse events.Hypothermia for 48 h with slow rewarming does not reduce mortality of improve global functional outcome after paediatric severe traumatic brain injury.National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and National Institutes of Health.
机译:根据先前试验的混合结果,我们评估了48-72 h低温治疗并缓慢恢复温度可以改善儿童颅脑损伤后的死亡率。在此第三阶段的多中心,多国,随机对照试验中,我们纳入了重度创伤患者未满18岁的脑损伤,可在受伤后6小时内登记。我们使用计算机生成的随机序列将患者(1:1;按部位和年龄[<6岁,6-15岁,16-17岁]分层)分配给任一体温过低的患者(迅速冷却至32-33°C保温48-72小时,然后每12-24小时再加热0·5-1·0°C)或常温(保持在36·5-37·5°C)。主要结果是通过意向性治疗分析评估的3个月死亡率。次要结局为受伤后3个月时使用格拉斯哥结局量表(GOS)和GOS扩展的儿科功能,以及发生严重不良事件的总体功能。评估结果的研究者被掩盖了治疗。该试验已在ClinicalTrials.gov上注册,编号NCT00222742。由于对77例患者(2007年11月1日至2011年2月28日招募)的数据进行了中期数据分析,该研究因无效而提前终止:低温治疗组39例,常温组38个。我们没有发现受伤后3个月的死亡率之间存在组间差异(低温治疗组39例患者中有6例[15%],正常体温热治疗组38例患者中有2例[5%]; p = 0·15)。各组之间的预后差没有差异(在低温治疗组中,GOS导致16例患者[42%]的预后较差,GOS扩展儿科的预后较差的患者18例[47%];正常体温治疗组16例[42%] ]患者的GOS结局不良,而37例患者中有19 [51%]的GOS扩展儿科结局不良。我们没有发现不良事件或严重不良事件的发生之间的组间差异。小儿严重外伤性脑损伤后低体温症持续48 h的低温治疗并不能降低改善整体功能预后的死亡率。美国国家神经疾病和中风研究所卫生研究所。



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