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Pregnancy Complications in Women Born Preterm


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Researchers at the University of Montreal used administrative birth-related data files from three Quebec province data registries to study approximately 7,400 women born preterm and 16,700 matched controls born at term, all of whom had either a live birth or stillbirth between 1987 and 2008. Women born before 23 weeks' gestation and those born to multiple birth (>3) pregnancies were excluded from the analysis. Of the women born preterm, 554 were born before 32 weeks' gestation and 6,851 were born between 32 and 36 weeks' gestation. Compared with women born at term, the likelihood of pregnancy complications, such as gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, or eclampsia, was nearly two times greater for mothers themselves born before 32 weeks' gestation. Pregnancy complications among mothers born between 32 and 36 weeks' gestation were only slightly more common (1.14-fold) than among mothers born at term. The analysis in this study took into account several other maternal conditions known to increase risk of pregnancy complications. As in previous studies, the mothers who were born small-for-gestational-age in this study (either preterm or term) had a higher risk of complications during pregnancy than mothers born at a size appropriate for gestational age. Other factors known to affect risk of pregnancy complications, including lower education level, chronic hypertension and type 2 diabetes, were also more frequent among the mothers born preterm. However, the increased risk of pregnancy complications associated with decreasing gestational age was present even after accounting for all of these factors in the analysis.
机译:蒙特利尔大学的研究人员使用来自魁北克省三个数据登记处的与出生相关的行政管理数据文件,研究了约7,400名早产妇女和足月出生的16,700名相匹配的对照,所有这些妇女在1987年至2008年之间都有活产或死产。分析排除了在妊娠23周之前出生的婴儿和多胎(> 3)妊娠的婴儿。在早产妇女中,有554名在妊娠32周之前出生,有6,851名在妊娠32至36周之间出生。与足月出生的妇女相比,妊娠32周之前出生的母亲自身发生妊娠并发症的可能性,例如妊娠糖尿病,妊娠高血压,先兆子痫或子痫,几乎是后者的两倍。妊娠32至36周之间出生的母亲的妊娠并发症比足月出生的母亲更常见(1.14倍)。本研究中的分析考虑了其他几种已知会增加妊娠并发症风险的孕产妇状况。与以前的研究一样,在本研究中(胎龄或足月)出生的婴儿,其胎龄小于妊娠年龄的母亲要比胎龄合适的母亲高。在早产母亲中,其他已知会影响妊娠并发症风险的因素,包括较低的教育水平,慢性高血压和2型糖尿病,也更为常见。然而,即使在分析中考虑了所有这些因素后,仍存在与降低胎龄相关的妊娠并发症风险增加。



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