首页> 外文期刊>Catena: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Soil Science Hydrology-Geomorphology Focusing on Geoecology and Landscape Evolution >A rock-surface microweathering index from Schmidt hammer R-values and its preliminary application to some common rock types in southern Norway

A rock-surface microweathering index from Schmidt hammer R-values and its preliminary application to some common rock types in southern Norway


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An index of the degree of rock-surface microweathering based on Schmidt hammer R-values is developed for use in the field without laboratory testing. A series of indices - I-2 to I-n, where n is the number of successive blows with the hammer - is first proposed based on the assumption that the R-values derived from successive impacts on the same spot on a weathered rock surface converge on the value characteristic of an unweathered surface of the same lithology. Of these indices, the I-5 index, which measures the difference between the mean R-value derived from first and fifth impacts as a proportion of the mean R-value from the fifth impact, is regarded as optimal: use of fewer impacts (e.g. in an I-2 index) underestimates the degree of weathering whereas use of more impacts (e.g. in an Lio index) makes little difference and is therefore inefficient and may also induce an artificial weakening of the rock. Field tests of these indices on weathered glacially-scoured bedrock outcrops of nine common metamorphic and igneous rock types from southern Norway show, however, that even after ten impacts, successive R-values fail to approach the values characteristic of unweathered rock surfaces (e.g. bedrock from glacier forelands and road cuttings). An improved *I-5 index is therefore preferred, in which the estimated true R-value of an unweathered rock surface is substituted. Weathered rock surfaces exposed to the atmosphere for similar to 10,000 years in southern Norway exhibit *I-5 indices of 36-57%, values that reflect a similarly high degree of weathering irrespective of the rock type. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:开发了基于施密特锤R值的岩石表面微风化程度指数,可在未经实验室测试的情况下用于现场。首先基于以下假设提出一系列指标-I-2至In,其中n是用锤子连续击打的次数-假设是从对风化岩石表面上相同点的连续冲击得出的R值收敛于相同岩性的未风化表面的特征值。在这些指数中,I-5指数被认为是最佳的:I-5指数是最佳的:使用较少的影响(例如,在I-2指数中)低估了风化程度,而使用更多的影响(例如在Lio指数中)影响不大,因此效率不高,还可能导致岩石的人为削弱。在来自挪威南部的9种常见变质和火成岩类型的风化冰川冲蚀基岩露头上对这些指数进行的现场测试表明,即使经过十次撞击,连续的R值仍无法接近未风化岩石表面特征值(例如,基岩)。来自冰川的前陆和路cutting石)。因此,改进的* I-5指数是可取的,其中用未风化岩石表面的估计真实R值替代。在挪威南部,暴露于大气中大约10,000年的风化岩石表面表现出的I-5指数为36-57%,该值反映了类似的高度风化程度,而与岩石类型无关。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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