
Genesis of placic horizons in andisols from Terceira Island Azores - Portugal


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The placic horizon is a common feature of Andisols developed under perudic conditions in Terceira Island (Azores). This paper reports morphological, physical and chemical characteristics of three pedons. Placic horizons developed above weakly cemented Bs/BC horizons are approximately 10 mm thick with abrupt and wavy boundaries in two of the pedons (Carv (a) over tildeo and Lavacal) and up to 20 mm thick in the third (S. Barbara), which shows a gradual lower boundary. Active Al and Fe contents are small in the upper horizons of all three pedons and are mostly complexed with humus, but the placic horizons are Fe rich. In thin sections, a typical component is egg-yellow or red limpid isotropic material, sometimes with a globular aspect. This is apparently superposed on the original micromass, whose amorphous character and limpidity without any identifiable cracked dark coatings suggests that the iron is in the form of an (hydr)oxide rather than complexed with organic matter. Ferrihydrite is indicated by chemical analysis. Formation of the three placic horizons is attributed mainly to reduction in organic-rich horizons under wet conditions, followed by reoxidation in the drier soil horizon below
机译:冰川期是Terceira岛(亚速尔群岛)在坡度条件下开发的Andisols的共同特征。本文报道了三足ped的形态,理化特性。在弱胶结的Bs / BC地平线之上发育的冰川层约10 mm厚,其中两个脚架(波浪形和Lavacal上的Carv(a))具有陡峭和波浪形的边界,而在第三个脚架(S. Barbara)中厚达20 mm,它显示了逐渐降低的下边界。在所有三个脚架的上层中,活跃的Al和Fe含量都很小,并且大多与腐殖质复合,但是冰川层中的铁丰富。在薄截面中,典型成分是蛋黄或红色透明的各向同性材料,有时呈球形。这显然是叠加在原始的微质量上,该微质量的无定形特性和清澈性没有任何可辨认的破裂的深色涂层,这表明铁呈(氢)氧化物的形式而不是与有机物复合。水铁矿通过化学分析指示。这三个冰川层的形成主要归因于潮湿条件下富含有机物的层的减少,然后是下面干燥土壤层中的再氧化



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