首页> 外文期刊>Catena: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Soil Science Hydrology-Geomorphology Focusing on Geoecology and Landscape Evolution >Main types of soil mass failure and characteristics of their impact factors in the Yuanmou Valley, China

Main types of soil mass failure and characteristics of their impact factors in the Yuanmou Valley, China


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Gully erosion is a dominant process causing soil loss in the Yuanmou Valley of Yunnan Province, China. Soil mass failure is a common process involved in gully development. The development of the gully and the occurrence of mass failure are interdependent and mutually promotive, but mass failure types have not been very well understood. In this study we identify the main types of soil mass failure and the characteristics of their impact factors in the Yuanmou Valley. A detailed field survey was conducted in May 2010 in a representative area of the studied region, and selected soil parameters were measured in the field and laboratory. Results showed that there are four different soil mass failure types: falling, sliding, exfoliating, and toppling, each having unique characteristics of geology, topography, soil, and climate. Examination of these characteristics indicates that the occurrence of mass failure is controlled by four factors: 1) the typical geological structure of the Yuanmou Group represented by alternating layers of sand and clay; 2) the different terrain and landforms; 3) the different gully development stages; and 4) the particular soil properties under special weather conditions, including a dry-hot climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:沟壑侵蚀是导致云南省元谋谷水土流失的主要过程。土壤质量破坏是沟壑发育的常见过程。沟壑的发展和群体性破坏的发生是相互依存和相互促进的,但是群体性破坏的类型还没有得到很好的理解。在这项研究中,我们确定了元谋河流域土壤质量破坏的主要类型及其影响因素的特征。 2010年5月,在研究区域的代表性地区进行了详细的野外调查,并在野外和实验室对选定的土壤参数进行了测量。结果表明,土壤失稳有四种不同的类型:跌落,滑移,剥落和倒塌,每种都具有独特的地质,地形,土壤和气候特征。这些特征的检验表明,质量破坏的发生是由四个因素控制的:1)元谋集团典型的地质结构以砂土和粘土的交替层为代表; 2)不同的地形和地貌; 3)不同的沟壑发展阶段; 4)在特殊天气条件下的特殊土壤性质,包括干湿气候,明显的干湿季节。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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