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Has the Market Really Turned?


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Uranium Energy’s Chief Executive Amir Adnani told sharehold- ers this week that “today, for the first time in almost four years, we are seeing fundamental shifts in the supply/demand picture that may favor rising uranium prices.” Could he be right? Adnani’s argument is based on factors frequently cited by other upbeat producers: increased Chinese demand, the prospect of four reactor restarts in Japan and a number of supply-side fac- tors, including years of “under-investment in mining operations,” the ending of the US-Russia highly enriched uranium down- blending agreement, the threat of Russian sanctions and political unrest in Central Africa. If the spot price is any indication, the market may be firming, or at least stabilizing. According to NIW’s Uranium Price Panel, the price rose for the third consecu- tive week to $37.13 per pound U3O8, 71¢ higher than last week’s $36.42/lb. One producer said that demand previously expected in the fourth quarter is emerging now, albeit at a “measured pace.”
机译:铀能源首席执行官阿米尔·阿纳尼(Amir Adnani)本周对股东说:“今天,这是近四年来的第一次,供需形势发生了根本性变化,这可能有利于铀价上涨。”他能说对吗?阿德纳尼的论点是基于其他乐观的生产商经常提到的因素:中国需求增加,日本有四座反应堆重启的前景以及许多供应方的因素,包括多年的“采矿业投资不足”。美俄高浓缩铀浓缩协议,俄罗斯制裁的威胁和中非的政治动荡。如果现货价格有任何迹象,则市场可能会坚挺或至少趋于稳定。据NIW的铀价格小组称,连续第三周价格上涨至每磅U3O8 37.13美元,比上周的36.42美元/磅高71%。一位生产商表示,先前预期在第四季度出现的需求现在正在增长,尽管步伐已“步入正轨”。



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