首页> 外文期刊>Nucleic Acids Research >Genome wide, supercoiling-dependent in vivo binding of a viral protein involved in DNA replication and transcriptional control

Genome wide, supercoiling-dependent in vivo binding of a viral protein involved in DNA replication and transcriptional control


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Protein p6 of Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage Φ29 is essential for phage development. In vitro it activates the initiation of DNA replication and is involved in the early to late transcriptional switch. These activities require the formation of a nucleoprotein complex in which the DNA forms a right-handed superhelix wrapping around a multimeric protein core. However, there was no evidence of p6 binding to Φ29 DNA in vivo. By crosslinking, chromatin immunoprecipitation and real-time PCR we show that protein p6 binds to most, if not all, the viral genome in vivo, although with higher affinity for both DNA ends, which contain the replication origins. In contrast, the affinity for plasmid DNA is negligible, but greatly increases when the negative supercoiling decreases, as shown in vivo by treatment of cells with novobiocin and in vitro by fluorescence quenching with plasmids with different topology. In conclusion, binding of protein p6 all along the Φ29 genome strongly suggests that its functions in replication and transcription control could be local outcomes of a more global role as a histone-like protein. The p6 binding dependence on DNA topology could explain its preferential binding to viral with respect to bacterial DNA, whose level of negative supercoiling is presumably higher than that of Φ29 DNA.
机译:枯草芽孢杆菌噬菌体Φ29的蛋白p6对噬菌体发育至关重要。在体外,它激活DNA复制的启动,并参与早期到晚期的转录转换。这些活动需要形成核蛋白复合物,其中DNA形成围绕多聚蛋白核心的右旋超螺旋。但是,没有证据表明p6在体内与Φ29DNA结合。通过交联,染色质免疫沉淀和实时PCR,我们显示蛋白p6与体内大多数(如果不是全部)病毒基因组结合,尽管对包含复制起点的两个DNA末端具有更高的亲和力。相反,对质粒DNA的亲和力可忽略不计,但当负超螺旋减少时,其亲和力会大大提高,如体内用新霉素处理细胞所显示的结果以及体外用不同拓扑结构的质粒的荧光猝灭所显示的那样。总之,在整个Φ29基因组中结合蛋白p6强烈表明,其在复制和转录控制中的功能可能是作为组蛋白样蛋白发挥更大作用的局部结果。 p6对DNA拓扑结构的结合依赖性可以解释其相对于细菌DNA与病毒的优先结合,细菌DNA的负超螺旋水平可能高于Φ29DNA。



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