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The RESID Database of protein structure modifications.


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Because the number of post-translational modifications requiring standardized annotation in the PIR-International Protein Sequence Database was large and steadily increasing, a database of protein structure modifications was constructed in 1993 to assist in producing appropriate feature annotations for covalent binding sites, modified sites and cross-links. In 1995 RESID was publicly released as a PIR-International text database distributed on CD-ROM and accessible through the ATLAS program. In 1998 it was made available on the PIR Web site at http://www-nbrf.georgetown.edu/pir/searchdb++ +.html . The RESID Database includes such information as: systematic and frequently observed alternate names; Chemical s Service registry numbers; atomic formulas and weights; enzyme activities; indicators forN-terminal, C-terminal or peptide chain cross-link modifications; keywords; and literature citations with database cross-references. The RESID Database can be used to predict atomic masses for peptides, and is being enhanced to provide molecular structures for graphical presentation on the PIR Web site using widely available molecular viewing programs.
机译:由于在PIR-国际蛋白质序列数据库中需要标准化注释的翻译后修饰数量庞大且稳步增加,因此在1993年建立了蛋白质结构修饰数据库,以协助产生针对共价结合位点,修饰位点和交叉链接。 RESID于1995年作为PIR-国际文本数据库公开发布,并通过CD-ROM分发,可通过ATLAS程序进行访问。 1998年,可以在PIR网站上找到它,网址为http://www-nbrf.georgetown.edu/pir/searchdb++ + .html。 RESID数据库包含以下信息:系统且经常观察到的备用名称;化学品服务注册号;原子公式和权重;酶活性N末端,C末端或肽链交联修饰的指示剂;关键字;和带有数据库交叉引用的文献引文。 RESID数据库可用于预测肽的原子质量,并通过使用广泛可用的分子查看程序进行了增强,以提供分子结构以在PIR网站上进行图形表示。



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