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Client-centeredness of Finnish and Estonian nursing students and the support from nursing education to develop it. Students' self-evaluation


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Purpose: The purpose of this comparative study is to describe the differences between Finnish and Estonian students evaluations about their client-centeredness and educational support they received to develop it. Background: Client-centeredness has many positive effects on the quality and effectiveness of care. However, some deficiencies have been identified in the client-centeredness of nursing staff. Research on the subject has been limited, and we lack knowledge of graduating students' competence in client-centeredness and the support of their education to develop it. Methods: The sample consisted of 390 undergraduate nursing students, 195 from Finland and 195 from Estonia. The data were collected in 2009 using the structured five-point scale questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed to measure students' client-centeredness and the educational support they received from nursing education. The data were analyzed by the PASW Statistics 18-programme using descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Mann-Whitney U-test. Results: Predominantly, students in both countries evaluated their level of client-centeredness high. The Estonian students generally evaluated their client-centeredness higher compared to the Finnish students. The same applied to support provided by nursing education. The greatest differences were related to education and particularly theoretical teaching. In Estonia, students' client-centeredness manifested itself more in politeness and willingness to serve clients, whereas respecting the clients' values was emphasized in Finland. Students' requisites, referred here as knowledge, skills and abilities to implement client-centered nursing, for client-centeredness had deficiencies, and the support from education was also the weakest regarding these aspects. Conclusion: In future, education on development of nursing activities, acquisition of knowledge and services provided by health care as well as legislation should be enhanced, since these areas proved the most difficult for the students.
机译:目的:这项比较研究的目的是描述芬兰和爱沙尼亚学生在以客户为中心和发展教育方面获得的教育支持方面的评估差异。背景:以客户为中心对护理质量和有效性有许多积极影响。但是,已经发现护理人员以客户为中心的一些缺陷。关于该主题的研究非常有限,我们缺乏应届毕业生以客户为中心的能力的知识,也缺乏他们对其发展的教育支持的知识。方法:样本由390名护理学本科生组成,其中195名来自芬兰,195名来自爱沙尼亚。数据是使用结构化五点量表在2009年收集的。该问卷旨在衡量学生以客户为中心的情况以及他们从护理教育中获得的教育支持。通过PASW Statistics 18程序使用描述性统计,Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验和Mann-Whitney U检验对数据进行了分析。结果:两个国家的学生都对他们的以客户为中心的评价很高。与芬兰学生相比,爱沙尼亚学生通常对他们的以客户为中心的评价更高。这同样适用于护理教育提供的支持。最大的差异与教育尤其是理论教学有关。在爱沙尼亚,学生以客户为中心的态度更多地表现在礼貌和愿意为客户服务的意愿上,而芬兰则强调尊重客户的价值观。学生的要求(这里称为知识,技能和实施以客户为中心的护理的能力)因以客户为中心而存在不足,而在这些方面,教育支持也最薄弱。结论:将来,应该加强对护理活动的发展,对医疗保健知识和服务的获取以及立法的教育,因为这些领域对学生来说是最困难的。



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