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2007 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciencesin the United States


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The Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences collects information each year about degree recipients, departments, faculties, and students in the mathematical sciences at four-year colleges and universities in the United States. Information about recipients of doctoral degrees awarded between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007, was collected from doctorate-granting departments beginning in late spring 2007. The "2007 Annual Survey First Report" (Notices, February 2008, pages 253-63) presented survey results about 1,157 new doctoral recipients based on the data provided by the departments. Here we update this information using data obtained from 547 new doctoral recipients who responded to a questionnaire, "Employment Experiences of New Doctoral Recipients" (EENDR), sent in early October 2007 to all new doctoral recipients. In addition, this report incorporates information on an additional 176 doctoral recipients from departments that responded too late to have the information included in the First Report. Finally, we present the starting salaries and other employment information from the new doctoral recipients that responded to the EENDR questionnaire.
机译:《数学科学年度调查》每年收集有关美国四年制大学中数学科学学位获得者,系,学院和学生的信息。从2007年春末开始,从博士学位授予部门收集了2006年7月1日至2007年6月30日期间授予的博士学位授予者的信息。“ 2007年年度调查初次报告”(通知,2008年2月,第253-63页) )根据各部门提供的数据,介绍了有关1,157名新博士学位获得者的调查结果。在这里,我们使用从547位新博士接收者那里获得的数据来更新此信息,这些数据是对2007年10月上旬发送给所有新博士接收者的问卷“新博士接收者的就业经历”(EENDR)的答复。此外,该报告还包含来自其他部门的176名博士生的信息,这些人响应太迟而无法将信息包括在第一份报告中。最后,我们介绍了对EENDR问卷做出回应的新博士生的起薪和其他就业信息。



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