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Proposed standard weight (W_s) equations and standard length categories for 18 warmwater nongame and riverine fish species


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Relative weight (W_r) is one of several condition indices used to assess the general health of fishes. Standard weight (W_s) equations are required to calculate W_r, but are unavailable for many nongame and riverine fish species. Therefore, we developed W_s, equations for the following taxa: longnose gar Lepisosteus osseus, spotted gar L. oculatus, common carp Cyprinus carpio, bigmouth buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus, river carpsucker Carpiodes carpio, shorthead redhorse Moxostoma macrolepidotum, smallmouth buffalo 1. bubalus, white sucker Catostomus commersoni, black bullhead Ameiurus melas, brown bullhead A. nebulosus, fiathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris, white catfish A. catus, yellow bullhead A. natalis, white perch Morone americana, yellow bassM. mississippiensis, green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus, rock bass Ambloplites rupestris, and warmouth L. gulosus. These W_s equations were evaluated with statistical validation approaches similar to previously defined regression-line-percentile equations.Standard length categories were developed or revised for 10 of these 18 species (longnose gar, spotted gar, bigmouth buffalo, river carpsucker, shorthead redhorse, smallmouth buffalo, white sucker, brown bullhead, white catfish, and yellow bullhead) toallow for comparison of mean W_r values within and among length categories instead of assessing only population mean W_r.
机译:相对重量(W_r)是用于评估鱼类总体健康状况的几种状况指标之一。需要标准权重(W_s)公式来计算W_r,但是许多非猎物和河流鱼类都无法使用。因此,我们开发了以下类群的W_s方程:长鼻gar Lepisosteus osseus,斑点L. oculatus,鲤鱼Cyprinus carpio,大嘴野牛Ictiobus cyprinellus,河里的Car鱼Carpiodes carpio,短头红马Moxostmouth macrolepbalus,1。吮吸者Catostomus commersoni,黑头head Ameiurus melas,棕色头head A. nebulosus,at头fish鱼Pylodictis olivaris,白色cat鱼A. catus,黄色bull头A. natalis,白色鲈鱼Morone americana,黄色鲈鱼。密西西比州,绿色翻车鱼Lepomis cyanellus,鲈鱼Ambloplites rupestris和warmouth gulosus。使用类似于先前定义的回归线-百分位数方程的统计验证方法对这些W_s方程进行了评估。针对这18种物种中的10种(长鼻,斑,大嘴野牛,河啄木鸟,短头红马,小嘴)开发或修订了标准长度类别水牛,白色吮吸者,棕色牛头,白色cat鱼和黄色牛头)允许比较长度类别内和之间的平均W_r值,而不是仅评估种群平均W_r。



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