首页> 外文期刊>Northwest Science >Biological Impacts of the Elwha River Dams and Potential Salmonid Responses to Dam Removal

Biological Impacts of the Elwha River Dams and Potential Salmonid Responses to Dam Removal


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The Elwha River dams have disconnected the upper and lower Elwha watershed for over 94 years. This has disrupted salmon migration and reduced salmon habitat by 90%. Several historical salmonid populations have been extirpated, and remaining populations are dramatically smaller than estimated historical population size. Dam removal will reconnect upstream habitats which will increase salmonid carrying capacity, and allow the downstream movement of sediment and wood leading to long-term aquatic habitat improvements. We hypothesize that salmonids will respond to the dam removal by establishing persistent, self-sustaining populations above the dams within one to two generations. We collected data on the impacts of the Elwha River dams on salmonid populations and developed predictions of species-specific response dam removal. Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch), Chinook (O. tshawytscha), and steelhead (O. mykiss) will exhibit the greatest spatial extent due to their initial population size, timing, ability to maneuver past natural barriers, and propensity to utilize the reopened alluvial valleys. Populations of pink (O. gorbuscha), chum (O. keta), and sockeye (O. nerka) salmon will follow in extent and timing because of smaller extant populations below the dams. The initially high sediment loads will increase stray rates from the Elwha and cause deleterious effects in the egg to outmigrant fry stage for all species. Dam removal impacts will likely cause a lag in recolonization and population rebuilding. These negative sediment effects will be locally buffered by the extent of functioning floodplain, and management attempts to minimize sediment impacts. Resident life forms of char (Salvelinus confluentus), rainbow trout (O. mykiss), and cutthroat (O. clarki) will positively interact with their anadromous counterparts resulting in a positive population level response.
机译:埃尔瓦河大坝断开了埃尔沃河上游和下游分水岭长达94年以上。这破坏了鲑鱼的迁移,并使鲑鱼的栖息地减少了90%。已经淘汰了一些历史鲑鱼种群,剩余种群大大少于估计的历史种群规模。拆除大坝将重新连接上游生境,这将增加鲑鱼的承载能力,并允许沉积物和木材向下游移动,从而长期改善水生生境。我们假设鲑鱼将在大坝上方一到两代之内建立持久的,自我维持的种群,从而对大坝的拆除作出反应。我们收集了有关Elwha河水坝对鲑鱼种群影响的数据,并开发了针对特定物种的反应水坝拆除的预测。 Coho(Oncorhynchus kisutch),Chinook(O. tshawytscha)和steelhead(O. mykiss)的空间范围将最大,这是由于它们的初始种群数量,时间,克服自然障碍的能力以及利用重新开放的冲积山谷的倾向。由于大坝下的现存种群较小,粉红色(O. gorbuscha),密苏里(O. keta)和红鲑(O. nerka)鲑鱼的种群数量和时间将紧随其后。最初较高的沉积物负荷将增加Elwha的杂散率,并对所有物种的卵到外来鱼苗阶段造成有害影响。大坝拆除的影响可能会导致重新殖民化和人口重建方面的滞后。这些负面的泥沙影响将通过洪泛区的作用范围而得到局部缓冲,管理部门试图将泥沙影响降至最低。 char(Salvelinus confluentus),虹鳟(O. mykiss)和残酷(O. clarki)的居民生活形式将与它们的适当种群积极互动,从而产生积极的种群水平响应。



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