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Cryopreservation of muskellunge and yellow perch semen


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Effect of four extenders on the success of cryopreservation of the semen of muskellunge Esox masquinongy and yellow perch Perca flavescens was tested. These extenders consisted of 0.45 M sucrose and were supplemented with either (1) 15 percent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), (2) 15 percent DMSO and 10 percent hen's egg yolk, (3) 15 percent dimethylacetamide (DMA), or (4) 15 percent DMA and 10 percent egg yolk. The use of extender with DMA alone yielded only about 7 percent muskellunge sperm fertilizing ability after cryopreservation. Supplementation of this extender with egg yolk produced a fertilization rate (36.6 percent of the control where fresh sperm was used) not significantly different from rates obtained with extenders containing DMSO. No significant differences were found among particular pools (consisting of semen from three different males per pool) of muskellunge semen used in this experiment. Fertilization rates of cryopreserved yellow perch semen (range, 69.6 percent to 77.3 percent) were not significantly different among all extenders tested. Cryopreservation success differed significantly between milt samples from individual yellow perch males. Yellow perch eggs could be stored up to 77 min at 10 deg C (fertilization success ranged from 57.2 percent to 64.8 percent). Our results provided 25-35 percent improvement of cryopreservation technology for yellow perch semen (measured as fertilization rate) and new data for cryoprotectant use in muskellunge. We were also able to prolong in vitro viability of yellow perch eggs during storage compared with earlier attempts.
机译:测试了四种补充剂对冷冻保存麝香麝香麝香和黄鲈Perca flavescens精液成功的影响。这些补充剂由0.45 M蔗糖组成,并补充有(1)15%的二甲基亚砜(DMSO),(2)15%的DMSO和10%的鸡蛋黄,(3)15%的二甲基乙酰胺(DMA)或(4) 15%的DMA和10%的蛋黄。低温保存后,仅与DMA一起使用增量剂仅产生约7%的精子精子受精能力。用蛋黄补充该补充剂产生的受精率(使用新鲜精子的对照的36.6%)与含DMSO的补充剂获得的受精率没有显着差异。在该实验中使用的特定的muskellunge精液池中(每池由三个不同雄性的精液组成)没有发现显着差异。冷冻保存的黄鲈精液的受精率(范围为69.6%至77.3%)在所有测试的增量剂中均无显着差异。从单个黄色鲈鱼雄性的皮瓣样本中冷冻保存的成功率显着不同。黄色鲈鱼卵可以在10摄氏度下保存长达77分钟(受精成功率从57.2%到64.8%)。我们的结果为黄鲈精液的冷冻保存技术(以受精率衡量)提高了25%至35%,并为在muskellunge中使用冷冻保护剂提供了新数据。与早期的尝试相比,我们还能够延长存储期间黄色鲈鱼卵的体外生存能力。



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