首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research >Economic drivers of land use and groundwater use by irrigators, Waimea Plains Nelson, New Zealand

Economic drivers of land use and groundwater use by irrigators, Waimea Plains Nelson, New Zealand


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Economics provides an important driver of land use change between the four main economic activities of groundwater irrigators (dairy, apples, horticulture-other and market gardening) using the Lower Confined Aquifer, Waimea Plains, Nelson. Over the period between 2003-4 and 2007-8, most irrigated land moved to higher value uses. In particular, dairy land use, with the lowest average revenue per hectare, was largely replaced by horticulture-other and market gardening with average revenues per hectare three to seven times greater than dairy. A causal link between economics and groundwater use is established as dairy generally uses more water per hectare than horticulture-other and market gardening, and as apple orchards responded to low apple prices in 2004-5 by either closing or removing blocks of low-producing trees. Average groundwater use efficiency increased over time from $4.9/m~3 to $16.7/m~3 because of changes in land use, land use practices and product price.



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