
Genetics of anxiety and trauma-related disorders.


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Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric illnesses in the United States with approximately 30% of the population experiencing anxiety-related symptoms in their lifetime [Kessler RC, Berglund P, Demler O, Jin R, Merikangas KR, Walters EE (2005) Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry 62:593-60]. Notably, a variety of studies have demonstrated that 30-40% of the variance contributing to these disorders is heritable. In the present review, we discuss the latest findings regarding the genetic and environmental influences on the development and symptomatology of anxiety disorders. Specific emphasis is placed on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to its uniqueness as an anxiety disorder; its diagnosis is dependent on a precipitating traumatic event and its development appears to be mediated by both genetic and environmental contributions. The co-morbidity of anxiety disorders and the potential re-classification of anxiety disorders as part of DSM-V are reviewed given the potential impact on the interpretation and design of genetic investigations. Lastly, several keys to future genetic studies are highlighted. Thorough analyses of the gene by environment (GxE) interactions that govern one's vulnerability to anxiety disorder(s), the effectiveness of individual treatment strategies, and the severity of symptoms may lead to more effective prophylactic (e.g. social support) and treatment strategies.
机译:焦虑症是美国最常见的精神疾病,大约30%的人口一生都经历过与焦虑相关的症状[Kessler RC,Berglund P,Demler O,Jin R,Merikangas KR,Walters EE(2005)终生患病率全国合并症调查复制中的“ IV型精神障碍诊断和统计手册”(DSM-IV)的发病年龄分布和年龄分布。 Arch Gen Psychiatry 62:593-60]。值得注意的是,各种研究表明,导致这些疾病的变异有30-40%是可遗传的。在本综述中,我们讨论了有关遗传和环境影响焦虑症的发展和症状学的最新发现。由于创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)作为焦虑症的独特性,因此特别强调。它的诊断取决于不断加重的创伤事件,其发展似乎是由遗传和环境因素介导的。鉴于对基因研究的解释和设计有潜在影响,因此回顾了焦虑症的合并症和作为DSM-V一部分的焦虑症的潜在重新分类。最后,重点介绍了未来遗传研究的几个关键。通过环境(GxE)相互作用对基因进行全面分析,这些相互作用决定着人对焦虑症的脆弱性,个体治疗策略的有效性以及症状的严重性,可能会导致更有效的预防(例如,社会支持)和治疗策略。



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