首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Fluoxetine induces the transcription of genes encoding c-fos, corticotropin-releasing factor and its type 1 receptor in rat brain.

Fluoxetine induces the transcription of genes encoding c-fos, corticotropin-releasing factor and its type 1 receptor in rat brain.


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Fluoxetine is a serotonin re-uptake blocker commonly used to treat endogenous depression. The present experiments were carried out to assess the effects of fluoxetine on c-fos induction throughout the rat brain. In addition, intron-directed in situ hybridization analysis was used to examine fluoxetine regulation of corticotropin-releasing factor heteronuclear gene transcription in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Because the actions of corticotropin-releasing factor are mediated by membrane-bound corticotropin-releasing factor type 1 receptors, we also evaluated the stimulation of such receptors after acute fluoxetine exposure. The immediate-early gene, c-fos, was markedly induced in several telencephalic and diencephalic brain structures. For instance, a strong hybridized signal was apparent 30 min after fluoxetine (10 mg/kg; intraperitoneal) administration in the caudate putamen, septal nucleus, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, anterodorsal preoptic area, paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamus and posterior hypothalamic nucleus. In addition, c-fos-expressing neurons were also evident in discrete amygdaloid nuclei. This nuclear induction was brief in duration, as levels of the immediate-early gene were mostly undetectable 90 min after drug administration. In contrast to the extensive induction of c-fos by fluoxetine throughout the brain parenchyma, elevation of corticotropin-releasing factor heteronuclear RNA levels were confined exclusively to neurosecretory nerve cells of the paraventricular nucleus, with peak levels detected 30 min after fluoxetine exposure. Therefore, the time-course of corticotropin-releasing factor heteronuclear RNA closely paralleled that of c-fos. Significant changes in corticotropin-releasing factor type 1 receptor messenger RNA levels were also observed in the paraventricular nucleus but with a slow incremental biosynthesis of the receptor messenger RNA, as high levels were discernible only 360 min after fluoxetine treatment. Finally, we failed to detect sex-related differences in the acute response to fluoxetine, as both female and male rat brains showed a comparable induction of c-fos, corticotropin-releasing factor heteronuclear RNA and corticotropin-releasing factor type 1 receptor expression within parvocellular neurosecretory nerve cells that govern the stress response. All of these findings are discussed in terms of specific sequences of nuclear events that couple fluoxetine-based serotonin input with changes in gene expression in selective neurons.
机译:氟西汀是一种5-羟色胺再摄取阻滞剂,通常用于治疗内源性抑郁症。进行本实验以评估氟西汀对整个大鼠脑内c-fos诱导的影响。此外,内含子定向原位杂交分析用于检查氟西汀调节下丘脑室旁核中促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子异核基因的转录。由于促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子的作用是由膜结合促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子1型受体介导的,因此我们也评估了急性氟西汀暴露后对此类受体的刺激作用。在多个端脑和双脑脑结构中明显诱导了即早基因c-fos。例如,氟西汀(10 mg / kg;腹膜内)给药后30分钟,在尾状壳,隔核,纹状体床床核,前房前视区,室旁核,视上核,腹膜下丘脑和后核中出现了强杂交信号下丘脑核。此外,表达c-fos的神经元在离散的杏仁核中也很明显。这种核诱导的持续时间很短,因为给药后90分钟几乎无法检测到早期基因的水平。与氟西汀在整个脑实质中广泛诱导c-fos相反,促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子异核RNA水平的升高仅局限于室旁核的神经分泌神经细胞,在氟西汀暴露后30分钟检测到峰值水平。因此,促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子异核RNA的时间过程与c-fos的时间过程非常相似。在室旁核中也观察到促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子1型受体信使RNA水平的显着变化,但受体信使RNA的生物合成缓慢增长,因为仅在氟西汀治疗后360分钟即可发现高水平。最后,我们未能在氟西汀的急性反应中发现性别相关的差异,因为雌性和雄性大鼠大脑在小细胞内均表现出可比的c-fos,促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子异核RNA和促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子1型受体表达。控制压力反应的神经分泌神经细胞。所有这些发现都根据核事件的特定顺序进行了讨论,这些特定事件将基于氟西汀的5-羟色胺输入与选择性神经元中基因表达的变化耦合在一起。



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