首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Organization of ventral tegmental area projections to the ventral tegmental area-nigral complex in the rat.

Organization of ventral tegmental area projections to the ventral tegmental area-nigral complex in the rat.


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The ventral tegmental area (VTA) is a nodal link in reward circuitry. Based on its striatal output, it has been subdivided in a caudomedial part which targets the ventromedial striatum, and a lateral part which targets the ventrolateral striatum [Ikemoto S (2007) Dopamine reward circuitry: two projection systems from the ventral midbrain to the nucleus accumbens-olfactory tubercle complex. Brain Res Rev 56:27-78]. Whether these two VTA parts are interconnected and to what extent the VTA innervates the substantia nigra compacta (SNc) and retrorubral nucleus (RR) are critical issues for understanding information processing in the basal ganglia. Here, VTA projections to the VTA-nigral complex were examined in rats, using Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) as anterograde tracer. The results show that the dorsolateral VTA projects to itself, as well as to the dorsal tier of the SNc and RR, largely avoiding the caudomedial VTA. The ventrolateral VTA innervates mainly the interfascicular nucleus. The components of the caudomedial VTA (the interfascicular, paranigral and caudal linear nuclei) are connected with each other. In addition, the caudomedial VTA (especially the paranigral and caudal linear nuclei) innervates the lateral VTA, and, to a lesser degree, the SNc and RR. The caudal pole of the VTA sends robust, bilateral projections to virtually all the VTA-nigral complex, which terminate in the dorsal and ventral tiers. Modest inputs from the medial supramammillary nucleus to ventromedial parts of the VTA-nigral complex were also identified. In double-immunostained sections, PHA-L-labeled varicosities were sometimes found apposed to tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons in the ventral mesencephalon. Overall, the results underscore that VTA projections to the VTA-nigral complex are substantial and topically organized. In general, these projections, like the spiralated striato-nigro-striatal loops, display a medial-to-lateral organization. This anatomical arrangement conceivably permits the ventromedialstriatum to influence the activity of the lateral striatum. The caudal pole of the VTA appears to be a critical site for a global recruitment of the mesotelencephalic system.
机译:腹侧被盖区(VTA)是奖励电路中的节点链接。根据其纹状体输出,将其细分为以腹侧纹状体为目标的颅骨内侧部分和以腹侧纹状体为目标的外侧部分[Ikemoto S(2007)多巴胺奖励回路:从腹中脑到伏隔核的两个投影系统-嗅结节复合体。 Brain Res Rev 56:27-78]。这两个VTA部件是否相互连接以及VTA在多大程度上支配黑质致密部(SNc)和后胭脂核(RR)是了解基底神经节中信息处理的关键问题。在这里,使用菜豆白斑凝集素(PHA-L)作为顺行示踪剂,在大鼠中检查了对VTA-黑色复合物的VTA投影。结果表明,背外侧VTA向自身突出,并向SNc和RR的背侧突出,很大程度上避免了颞内侧VTA。腹侧VTA主要支配束间核。颅内侧VTA的组件(束间,椎旁和尾状线性核)相互连接。此外,颞内侧VTA(尤其是旁神经节和尾状线性核)支配外侧VTA,并在较小程度上支配SNc和RR。 VTA的尾极向几乎所有VTA-黑色复合体发送稳健的双侧投影,这些复合体终止于背侧和腹侧层。还确定了从内侧上锁乳核到VTA-黑色复合体腹膜部分的适度输入。在双重免疫染色切片中,有时发现腹侧中脑的酪氨酸羟化酶阳性神经元与PHA-L标记的静脉曲张有关。总体而言,结果强调了VTA对VTA-Nigral复合物的预测是实质性的,而且是有组织的。通常,这些投影像螺旋状的纹状体-黑质-纹状体loop一样,表现出内侧到外侧的组织。可以想象,这种解剖结构允许腹内侧纹状体影响外侧纹状体的活动。 VTA的尾极似乎是中脑脑系统的全球募集的关键部位。



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