首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Caffeine and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone increased evoked and spontaneous release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone from intact presynaptic terminals.

Caffeine and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone increased evoked and spontaneous release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone from intact presynaptic terminals.


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In bullfrog sympathetic ganglia, the ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ store and mitochondria modulate [Ca2+] within nerve terminals. We used caffeine (10 mM) and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (10 microM) to assess how these Ca2+ stores affect release of a neuropeptide, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, from these nerve terminals. Release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone was evoked by electrical stimulation to presynaptic nerves and was monitored as a late slow excitatory postsynaptic potential in ganglionic neurons. Caffeine increased release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone similarly whether the release was evoked by 4 or 20 Hz stimulations (by 2.7 +/- 1.1- and 3.2 +/- 0.9-fold, mean +/- S.E.M., n = 27, respectively). Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone augmented release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone evoked by 4 Hz stimulation much more strongly (by 11.8 +/- 1.8-fold) than it increased the release evoked by 20 Hz stimulation (by 3.6 +/- 1.3-fold, n = 25). We detected spontaneous release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone as a slow hyperpolarization in response to a brief application of an antagonist to the receptors for luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in 65% (34 of 52) and 39% (11 of 28) of the ganglionic B and C neurons, respectively. Caffeine increased spontaneous release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone by 2.3 +/- 0.7-fold (n = 6) whereas carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone increased this release by 4.27- and 1.76-fold (n = 2). Facilitation of Ca2+ release from the intracellular store by caffeine and inhibition of mitochondrial Ca2+ removal by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone increased spontaneous as well as evoked release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone. Moreover, caffeine increments of evoked release did not depend on the firing frequency of the nerve whereas carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone augmentations of evoked release strongly depended on the firing frequency.
机译:在牛蛙交感神经节中,对神经末梢内的精氨酸敏感的Ca2 +存储和线粒体调节[Ca2 +]。我们使用咖啡因(10 mM)和羰基氰化物间氯苯hydr(10 microM)来评估这些Ca2 +存储如何影响从这些神经末梢释放神经肽,促黄体激素释放激素。黄体生成激素释放激素的释放是通过电刺激突触前神经引起的,并被监测为神经节神经元中迟来的缓慢兴奋性突触后电位。咖啡因会增加促黄体激素释放激素的释放,无论是4或20 Hz刺激引起的释放(分别为2.7 +/- 1.1倍和3.2 +/- 0.9倍,平均+/- SEM,n = 27) 。羰基氰化物间氯苯hydr增加了4 Hz刺激引起的促黄体生成素释放激素的释放(11.8 +/- 1.8倍),远比20 Hz刺激引起的释放增加(3.6 +/- 1.3倍) ,n = 25)。我们检测到促黄体生成素释放激素的自发释放是一种缓慢的超极化现象,这是由于在65%(52中的34)和39%(28中的11)中,将拮抗剂短暂应用于促黄体激素释放的激素的受体神经节B和C神经元。咖啡因使促黄体生成素释放激素的自发释放增加2.3 +/- 0.7倍(n = 6),而羰基氰化物间氯苯hydr使这种释放增加4.27和1.76倍(n = 2)。咖啡因促进Ca2 +从细胞内储存的释放,以及通过羰基氰化物间氯苯hydr抑制线粒体Ca2 +的清除,增加了黄体生成激素释放激素的自发性和诱发性释放。此外,诱发释放的咖啡因增量不取决于神经的放电频率,而诱发放电的羰基氰化物间氯苯基hydr的增加强烈取决于激发频率。



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